;-; life lol

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Aye y'all. How's life?

Sooooo I'm currently in school and keeping my grades up is not so easy. But I'm trying. *sigh*

And I'm just gonna say the way my life has been that has made it so hard to update. My intention isn't to seem like I'm seeking attention or anything, I just want to be honest with you guys.

So, I went with a doctor a few months ago. They did a test on me to see if I'm depressed or have anxiety or something like that. They found out that I have depression.

A lot of shit happened. I have shared only a few things, but the rest are quite personal. I hope everyone understands.

But do not worry everyone I'm doing a lot better >:3 I've been trying to work on my stories :v but I also kind of have writers block >~< if you're willing to help, message me please ;~;

Thanks everyone for being patient >w<


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