Chapter 1: The Rock Life

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Once in a great while you feel like nothing is going to change, nothing's going to work out. The worst feeling in the world is the feeling you know when you've done something you are going to regret later. That's how Izzy felt, he thought he was an idiot trusting someone who in the end treated him like dirt upon their feet. He hated that person so much, they destroyed him...he felt the need to tell Axl what happened, but he didn't want anybody to know what he was feeling.

Axl didn't know what to do, he broke up with his long-time girlfriend of three years. He didn't feel like talking to anybody not even his long-time friend Izzy, he just wanted to be left alone for a little while to think of what is going to happen. He and his ex-girlfriend are remaining friendly, they love each other but it just didn't work out. He already knew she moved on to date Steven, he was fine with that Steven was like a brother. He knew that they would be good for each other, So instead of moping around he decided to get up and go for a walk. He had time to since rehearsals didn't start until 10:00, they had to meet at the Troubadour. Ugh he hated going there.

"Alright, so how am I going to fix this stupid drum set?", The night before was rough. These two big men threw stuff at the band, a bottle went rouge and hit Steven's drum set completely destroying it. He didn't have the money to go out and buy a new one, so he had to fix it himself. "Where's Slash when you need him?", he and Slash were very close, like brothers in fact. He had his work cut out for him, only a couple hours until they had to rehearse for their new gig. He has other problems besides that, the drugs makes him feel like he can do anything, which has gotten him in so much trouble, with his family, friends, and the cops. He knew he had a problem, but he couldn't help himself. But he had one person who made him crazy, his girlfriend, he couldn't stop thinking about her. She was the only person in the world to him, she is the greatest thing ever. He couldn't wait to see her again.

Hangovers are the worst, Duff couldn't shake this one off. He felt like there was a vice grip on his head, he's trying not to think too much. It hurts so bad, never again will he drink so much vodka EVER again. Duff finally gets up off the couch and goes to make some coffee, hopefully this helps, shit he hated hangovers but he loved the buzz beforehand. It's not what he wanted his life to be like, but for some reason he thought that if he stopped he wouldn't be happy. Which of course wouldn't be true, he has family and friends who care about him. "I need help".

"Hey!, look at that long haired hippie!", Slash hated these kinds of people. "Hey!, fuck off!", can't stand these people thinking they're all that. He needed to get away from this part of town, too many preppy people, too clean cut. He eventually made it back to the apartment complex where the band was staying at for now. It's not anything special, but it will do for now. He saw Axl going out the door
Slash: "Hey, Ax where are you going?"
Axl: "I'm going for a walk, I'll be back in a little while"
Strange, Axl's usually sleeping right now. Speaking of sleep.

Rock N' Roll isn't what it's cracked up to be, Axl knew this, he knew that it would take a lot of hard work to get to the top. He didn't know how to feel about being famous, he's not really big on getting recognized everywhere he went. But he was in it for the music, the love of people who enjoy his music. The rest of the band feels the same way, they are connected. They care about each other, that's all they need to survive this crazy Rock N' Roll world they live in.

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