Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

            Walking into the kitchen I threw my purse and keys on to the table and breathed a deep sigh. “What’s up?” Ava asked, an undertone of concern clear in her voice. “It’s been a loooooong day!” I replied breathily. “Hahaha yea, quite eventful.” Ava said shrugging off her jacket and placing it on the back of a chair. “I can still practically hear the boys’ music and see the flashing lights!” “Tell me about it.” I replied rubbing my forehead. I was thankful that the cameras and screaming people were gone otherwise I wouldn’t be going to sleep tonight!

            It was only 7 o’clock so Ava decided that since she had nothing better to do she might as well hang out for a while.  Together we just lounged around my living room, sipping tea and flipping through the channels. After going through all the channels several times without any success I pushed the power button. “Do you want something to eat?” I asked Ava as I stood up and started walking towards the kitchen. “No thanks I probably should be heading home…believe it or not but some of us have classes in the morning.” She said reaching for her jacket. I looked at her and just shook my head. “Hahaha.” I laughed sarcastically. “Good night Allie!” She said stepping out onto the stoop. “Good night.” I shut the door and turned the lock.

            It wasn’t too terribly late, but I was exhausted. My feet felt like cement blocks as I trekked up the stairs to my bedroom. I threw on my Pajamas from last night, washed my face, and pulled my hair back. Sleep was the only thing on my mind as I flicked the light switch and crawled into bed. Tugging the comforter over my head, I snuggled deeper into my pillows. Sleep slowly fell over me and I was out.


Suddenly a loud noise jolted me from my slumber. “What the hell?!?!” I whispered jumping out of bed. I rushed down the stairs as quickly as a person who’s half asleep could. When I was on the ground floor I found my door ajar. I could have sworn I locked it! My heart started pounding and the sudden adrenaline boost made me wide awake. The panic setting in I tiptoed cautiously towards my living room. I heard shuffling, and when I turned the corner I saw a dark, hunched figure leafing through something. I quietly ducked into my kitchen and grabbed my phone off the counter. What was happening!?!? Who was that!?! In all the fear and confusion I let out a little shriek. This was enough to alert the intruder who stopped what he was doing and stood completely still. The room was so quiet I thought that maybe he had left. That thought in mind I peered around the corner. Nope he was still there! But upon seeing that I was a wake he bolted for my open front door.

I scrambled up and tried to run after him but he was too fast. By the time I reached the door he was already out and halfway down the street. In shock, I shut the door and sunk down on to the floor. Without even thinking I dialed my phone. “Hello…” A groggy voice answered after several rings. “Niall…?” I asked my voice shaky. “Allie?” Niall said sensing something wasn’t right. “Som…someone…” I started to say, my voice breaking as the sobs started setting in. “I’m coming over.” Niall said. “Hold on.”


In a matter of minutes there was a knock at my door. Even though I knew it was Niall I was still startled. “Shhhhhh.” He said soothingly as he shut the door behind him. He sat down next to me and pulled me onto his lap. He must have left the hotel as soon as he finished talking to me because he was only in a loose fitting tank top and sweat pants. “What happened Allie?” He whispered. “Someone…broke into…my house.” I replied in between shocked sobs. “Did you call the police?” He asked as he started rubbing my back. “No.” I sniffled. “Ok, I’ll do that. But first let’s get you back to bed.” He said as he effortlessly scooped me up into his arms and started to carry me up the stairs. Under normal circumstances I would have objected, but given the fact I was a shaky mess, I didn’t say a word.

Once in my bedroom, Niall carefully laid me down on my bed and pulled the covers up around me. After he finished tucking me in he bent over and planted a soft kiss on my forehead, then turned to leave. “Don’t go…” I pleaded.  “I won’t, I’m just stepping out for a second”. He said closing my door slightly. Outside in the hall way I could hear him talking on the phone. “Yeah, someone broke in.” I heard him say. “No she couldn’t ID him, all she said was he was wearing all black… Ok…ok thank you.” He said as he finished his call.

My door creaked open and I felt Niall’s presence at my bedside. “Everything’s going to be alright Allie. You can go to sleep.” He said again walking away. “Where are you going?” I asked feebly. “I’m gonna go sleep on the couch. I don’t want you to be home alone tonight.” Niall whispered. “Come here.” I motioned him over. “Can you stay in here with me?” I asked. “Fine.” He sighed “Scoot over.” I wiggled over to make room for him. “Good night Allie.” He said putting his arm around me. “Good night.” I yawned as I snuggled into him. He was so warm, and as his breathing slowed and became deeper I gave into to sleep, feeling safe and secure.   

At the End of it All -{ A Niall Horan Story}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ