Chapter 14

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When I walked into Derek's office, he was back in scrubs.

"You aren't planning on operating are you?"

"Yeah.  I can't take care of my daughter so I might as well work."

"You know that isn't a good idea after the day you've had."  I felt like his mother as I said that.  "You're needed elsewhere anyways."

"What are you talking about?"

"Just come with me.  My patient needs a neuro god."  I winked.

"Which patient?  I'll get the chart."

"Just come with me, please.  The chart is in the room."  I knew if I told him who the patient was he wouldn't come.

"Uhm ok..?"  He followed me back towards Taylor's room then stopped a few doors away from hers.  "I can't, Mer.  You know that."

"Derek, Mark handled it.  Her mom and that damn lawyer stressed her out and her ICP is rising.  She needs a neurologist and a parent.  You happen to be both of those things."

"Mark?  Mark Sloan?  You're trusting Mark over a lawyer threatening to take me to court?  You've been on my service long enough to handle a spike in ICP."

Before an argument started, Addison came out of Taylor's room.


"Mark called me for some help.  Come in here, he told the lawyer she needed immediate care from her surgeon.  He's agreed to let you back in."

I could see the disbelief in Derek's eyes, but he followed her in anyways.  His eyes started to water when he walked in and saw Mark on his knees beside Taylor's bed holding her hand trying to calm her down.

"I'll let you take over from here.  I would suggest increasing her sedation so she will sleep through all of this craziness."  He patted Derek's shoulder as he walked towards the door.

"Mark... Thank you.."

"That's what uncles are for right?"  Derek nodded with a smile and Mark pulled me to the door.  "Does he know yet?"

"Wait, you know?!"

"Overheard you talking to Yang."

"He doesn't know and I think he's had enough surprises for the day.  If you tell him or anyone, remember I am a doctor.  I know how to kill without leaving a trace!"

A/N:  Short chapter, but more coming!  The first chapter of the new fic will be up tonight!

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