Chapter 1

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"Alright, everyone, we've got ourselves a new case" Coulson announced. "It'll be a simple enough mission...just an extraction for someone being held captive another country" he finished lamely.

May raised her eyebrows "Someone being held captive in another country" she repeated sarcastically. "How very specific. You realize I'm going to need a bit more than that to fly us there, right?"

"About that," Coulson said casually, "You won't be flying. Tripp, you'll be taking over the plane. Come to my office for a debriefing and the coordinates."

"Yes, sir" Tripp replied, and followed Coulson out of the room after shooting an uncomfortable glance at May. She was standing frozen in place, with her arms crossed, trying not to let her fury show on her face.

"Well that was rude!" Skye exclaimed after the men had left. "May, any idea why-" she stopped speaking as May turned abruptly and stormed out of the room.

"Oh, dear" Simmons said worriedly. "I wonder why he doesn't want May flying, unless-"

"Unless we're g-going somewhere that she wouldn't f-fly us." Fitz finished.

"Exactly, Fitz!" Simmons cried, looking pleased that he had finished her sentence, just like he would have before his injury.

"Oh my god" Skye whispered, ignoring the scientists. "Bahrain".

Fitzsimmons' heads jerked up at the word. "What?" they asked in unison.

"May's fearless!" Skye explained. "The only place in the world that she wouldn't want to take us is Bahrain! That's why Coulson wouldn't tell us what the location is, or let her fly us there!"

"Oh, no!" Simmons cried. "Do you think May knows?"

"I don't know," Skye replied, "but I'm going to find her and see if I can help".

It didn't take long for Skye to find her S.O. She was doing Tai-chi in her bunk. "Not now, Skye" she muttered as she sensed her trainee walk in the door.

"I can tell Tripp to turn around," Skye protested, staying right where she was. "We don't have to go...I'm sure another team can rescue the-"

"I'm fine, Skye." May said harshly. "I can handle it. Now, go"

"Okay" Skye whispered, and backed out of the room. As she closed the door behind her, she heard May give a deep sigh. Skye was worried about her S.O., but trusted her judgement...if May said she could handle it, then she could handle it.

Skye ran into Fitz and Simmons as she backed out of May's room. She shook her head, and they frowned. "Listen, guys" Skye commanded. "Don't treat her any differently when we're there, okay? But keep an eye on her."

"We will, Skye" they promised.

They jumped as someone cleared their throat behind them. Skye frowned as she saw her boss wearing a guilty expression. "Coulson!" Skye accused, "What exactly are-"

He held up his hand to cut her off. "Excuse me," he said formally, as he reached for May's door handle. "I need to speak with Agent May."

"Whatever," Skye muttered, glaring at him. "C'mon guys." She walked away, with Fitz and Simmons right behind her. Coulson watched the three friends walk away, and gave a small smile. He was glad that they were so close, and were so defensive of May. He rapped gently on May's door, and walked in.

"Melinda" he said gently, and she turned to look at him, her expression impassive. "It seems you've figured out where we're going. I should've known I can't hide anything from you." She raised her eyebrows coldly.

Coulson sighed, "I'm sorry for not letting you fly the Bus. I just thought-"

"No. You didn't think" May stated. "What is my role in the mission?"

Coulson glanced at the ground uncomfortably. "You're on the extraction'll be going in for our hostage."

"Okay" she replied, standing up and walking out of the room. "I'll go suit up."

The Bahrain Chronicles, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now