Chapter 2

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Hi all! This chapter is a little dark, so be wary of some upsetting happenings. I hope you enjoy this chapter, and as always, please don't forget to review!

"Wheels down in five" Trip announced over the comms system. The rest of the agents were standing in the landing platform of the Bus awaiting Coulson's instructions.

"Fitz, Simmons, you two are going to locate our target okay? Skye and May, once Fitzsimmons give the all-clear, you two are going to grab the girl. If you see any major threats, take care of them. I trust you."

Skye nodded, and glanced at May, who was standing with a frozen expression on her face. "W-we're picking up a girl?"

Coulson frowned with sympathy. "I'm sorry, May" he murmured. "We have to. This girl is...special. We can't let anything happen to her...which is why I need you."

May's face turned even paler at the word special. "Fine" she muttered as she felt the wheels touch down. "Let's go".

Skye turned to follow her S.O. off the Bus, but Coulson grabbed her arm. "Take care of her, Skye." he whispered.

Skye looked at him angrily, thinking If you're so worried, then why did you bring her in the first place?, but thought better of asking it once she noticed his expression of genuine concern. She nodded briefly, then jogged to catch up with May.

"Okay, ladies" Simmons called cheerfully over Coms as Skye and May entered the city. "See that brick building on your left? The girl is on the third floor, in the second room on the right."

"Sh-she's going to be scared" Fitz added. "Try to calm her down...we're not sure what she's capable of, and don't want her to hurt you on accident."

"We'll be fine, guys" Skye replied. "We'll get her out safely".

May and Skye made eye contact, then burst through the front door with their guns raised. The room was dead one was there.

"This is kinda spooky" Skye admitted, glancing around warily.

"Let's just get the girl and get out" May replied with a frown.

The two agents made it up to the third floor without a single problem. When they arrived at the second door on the right, May closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. Skye squeezed her hand gently, but May snatched her arm away, looking terrified. She stared at her hand, watching it tremble slightly.

"May?" Skye asked, but the older agent didn't respond.

"Okay," Skye said soothingly, searching for an idea. "I'll go in and get the girl, you keep watch, alright?" When May still didn't answer, Skye grabbed her S.O.'s shoulders and shook her gently. "Okay?"

May jumped, but nodded. "Okay" she whispered. Skye gave her a reassuring half-smile, then kicked down the door to the room.

May stood outside, staring blankly after her protegee. She mentally shook herself, thinking Pull it together, Melinda! Breathe.

A piercing scream shattered May's trance. Skye! she thought, panicked, Without hesitation, she ran through the door, gun raised high. She froze as she saw a burly man holding Skye in a choke-hold, a gun pressed against her head. Next to them was another man, holding a tiny red-haired girl in a similar grasp, a gun pressed to her temple as well.

May focussed on her trainee, who's eyes were desperately begging for help. May pointed her gun at the man holding Skye. "Let her go. Now." she commanded, her voice full of ice.

"Oh, Melinda," the man replied, in a soft voice that didn't seem to fit his size. "If you shoot me, the little girl dies. You aren't going to make that choice are you?" He smiled at her wickedly. "Although, if my memory serves me correctly, you've done it before."

May paled, her hand visibly shaking. "H-how do you-?"

He laughed softly. "That was my little girl that you killed seven years ago, Melinda. And her mother. Just because they were different." He pressed the gun harder against Skye's skull as he continued. "Unfortunately you don't have any daughters for me to kill. But from what I've observed, this girl should do well enough.

"And this one", he added, jerking his hair at the redhead, who had fainted in the other man's arms. "There's nothing special about her, but that lie sure lured Director Coulson over here! How about we give you a taste of what I had to live with?" He gently put pressure on the trigger of his gun.

"No!" May gasped, her eyes wide with fear. "Take me, kill me. You're right, it's my fault. Let her go, please, let them both go."

"Spoken like a true parent" the man sneered. "But I didn't get the chance to make that sacrifice for my little girl, so neither do you." May shook her head desperately, tears rolling down her cheeks. "So, Agent May. What are you going to do?"

"Save the child, May" Skye whispered through her tears. "It's okay."

"No." May said firmly, "I'm saving both of you."

"You have five seconds, Melinda." the man holding Skye warned. "If you don't make a choice, I'm killing both of them."

May began to tremble as he started to count: "Five...Four..."

May locked eyes with Skye, who gave her a small, sad smile. Trust me, Skye mouthed.


May looked longingly at her young protegee who held a look of grim determination behind her tears. When did she get so strong? May wondered


"Okay!" May shouted. "Okay. But when I tell you my choice, you are going to let me leave with that person. You didn't have to watch your daughter die, so you're not going to make me watch this."

The man chuckled softly. "Very well. What is your choice?"

May looked at Skye, and Skye could see her S.O.'s heart breaking. "Give me the child" May whispered, not taking her eyes off of Skye.

The man grinned at her and jerked his head at his partner, who released the little girl. The child ran up to May and wrapped her arms around May's legs. Melinda just stood there, staring at Skye, who looked terrified, but relieved.

"I'm so sorry, Skye" May choked out, as the man who had been holding the little girl shoved her out of the door.

The last thing May saw before the door slammed behind her was Skye giving her a brave smile.

The instant the door shut, May pulled the girl off her. She pointed down the hallway, and commanded: "Run. The people on the plane will take care of you".

As the child ran off, May turned back to the door, but it was locked. There was intense scuffling and shouting coming from the inside, and Melinda had raised her leg to kick down the door when a gunshot rang out. Then there was silence.

And I left it on a cliffhanger...I am such a bully! I'll try to get out the next chapter very soon! Please let me know what you thought!

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