The Rise of Lissandra

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She stood proud above her throne. The foolish tribe members applauded her. She had defeated our sister Sejauni and was now crowned as the queen of Freljord. The ice crown was placed on her head, with Tryndamere by her side. They smiled and embraced each other, how foolish of them. They thought everything was over. They thought that everything was at peace and there was no threat to be concerned about. They didn’t think something as powerful as me existed. But my sister was wrong as always. Slowly, I will rise. I will destroy her pretty face and take my rightful spot as the queen, of Freljord. I am ice born, I am Lissandra and the watchers will return.

(Hey Guys! This is the introduction of a story i'm creating! I'm just putting the first bit out there so you guys can get a taste about what I'm going to write about! I'm going to update it the next day so be patient!)

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2013 ⏰

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