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Jack, an orphaned seven year old, patiently laid in his hospital bed. He continued to glare at the doctors in white coats, whom he perceived as evil spirits. Ferocious clutches of cancer had clasped him at an infant age.  He had endured painful surgeries since childhood. Jack was always told that he would be bedridden for what little period he would live. His timid and frail physique made him a victim of mocking and bullying among his relatives. Jack only loved his grandfather, who was purposely sent thousands of miles away to another country.

His little mind wondered, "Why does not God treat every child equally?", "Are only a few children allowed to witness the pleasures of life?" Depression conquered him. Walls of loneliness enshrouded him every minute. Soon, a string of tears rolled down from his liquid-like eyes onto his pale pink cheeks. Unexpectedly, Jack sensed a sharp needle being harshly pierced into his delicate skin. As an excruciating pain took birth in him, he shrieked out for help.

Surprisingly, a doctor lifted him from the bed; swaying him into a wheel chair; announced discharge and wished to never see him again. Jack curiously gazed at him. After reassurance from his favourite nurse Molly about his cancer being cured, his sullen heart breathed life in him. Jack quickly rolled the wheels of the chair; escaped from the hospital as he did not want to go back to his relatives.

The world outside was different. 'Happy new year' was written on each poster outside. Jack was dumbstruck when he saw cute lamps radiating mellow colours of light. Fireworks display glowed bright you in the clear dark sky. Vibrant coloured flowers adorned on each house made his smile broader. Excitement in him grew when he heard a labyrinth of high pitched voices, giggles, laughter.

Although his rosy cheeks bloomed, he was not happy at heart. The fact that he could not survive all alone was a bitter truth he had to face. His twinkling eyes stared at the pole star, searching for hope. Suddenly, a warm hand adorned with wrinkles, which felt no more than a coiled wire, was firmly placed on his shoulder.

Jack reluctantly turned around. Pleasantly astonished, it was his grandfather. Jack was not able to express his happiness. His eyes sparkled to the fullest. His cheeks were two ripe plums. And the corners of his mouth almost touched his ears. Without questioning he tightly hugged his jolly grandfather.

Guys please comment... Your comments will mean a lot to me. I will try improvise my stories based on your feed back..




Emrald princess

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