Chapter 27

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Dani's POV

"What are you doing here?" I asked, confused and shocked.

The person looked at me, and said, "I'm the new announcer for the preshows."

"But, you got moved back down to training. Why would Paul make you an announcer if he knew you would have to train?" I asked.

"I guess he saw something in me that made him think I'll be good with announcing. I don't know why though." he said, scratching the back of his neck. "I was hoping that maybe we could go out sometime."

"No, I can't. I have a boyfriend, and I have to go find him. Bye." I said. I waved awkwardly then walked away.

*Two Minutes Later*

I ran to catering, knowing where to find Jon. I looked around, but no luck. I looked again, and only found Sara and Colby sitting together. I saw them, and fangirled a little before deciding not to intrude on their conversation.

I turned around, and bumped into someone, again. 'Twice in ten minutes. What's wrong with me?'

"Hey. I was just looking for you." I heard Jon say.

I looked up at him, and smiled, "Hey. I was looking for you too."

"Well, high five we found each other." He chuckled. I high-fived him. He looked at me, and asked, "Where were you just now?"

"I was looking for you by the locker rooms. when I didn't find you there, I started walking this way. But, on my way here, I ended up running into a wall on my way here, so yeah." I told him, not telling him about what 'wall' I bumped into.

"Oh, are you okay? How many episodes of Supernatural have Jensen, Jared, and Misha done collectively?"

"Five hundred twenty-five. Why?" I said.

"Why does that still surprise me?" he asked, shocked. I shrugged in response.

"We should probably go change into our gear for tonight. I'll see you in a bit, babe." I told him, kissing his cheek, then walked away to the divas' locker room.

I changed into my gear, and walked to go find Brie. We were gonna have a match during the show tonight, and we wanted to talk about the match.

When I found her, she was talking with Nikki. "Hey!" I greeted them.

"Hey Danielle, what's up?" said Brie.

"Nothing much." I said, jumping onto a crate thing again. I sat down, and sighed.

"You okay?" Nikki asked.

"My relationship with Jon is gonna get tested." I mumbled, looking down at my hands.

"Why? Did either you or Jon do something stupid?" Brie questioned.

"No, but someone's back. And he wanted to take me on a date." I told them.

They looked at each other before Nikki started to speak, "We didn't want to tell you that he was back yet."

My jaw dropped. "You knew he was back, but you didn't tell me?" I asked.

"We knew you'd avoid him."

"Because that idiot is the reason I literally had to spend an hour crying with you two before I got injured the same night we broke up. So yeah, I have a good reason to avoid him."

"Okay. That's a good reason, but its not enough." Brie stated. "Yeah, he was a douche to us behind your back, bu-"

"Wait. He was a douche to you guys?" I asked them.

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