I called her Nandi

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When I look at my reflection in the water, I am the flesh and blood colour version of the blue mahoe wood smoothed and treated for the great houses use, full full lips, large pitch black eyes in an oval face, almost high cheek bone and a medium height, lean without no spare amount of fat, still curvy but honed and sculptured body, my thick cloud of nappy hair, small rope twists pull to the top of my head and bound by cotton cords, I am student disciple of Nandi the warrior leader of my tribe.In time many stories will be told of elemental warrior Nandi. History will never know me, I am the next female warrior she taught the fighting arts, a secret weapon. l live in, kill in and embrace the shadow, however time and things are changing. I look at the blood stain on the shoulder of the wondrous looking man, his muscles rippled even as he winced in pain as he rose to his feet 'I am the spanish moor' he said to me, as he saw me looking at his skin then mine, his was dark of colour maybe as dark as mine but different structure, his eyes were darkest blue and he had been wounded, I know not how, for some reason unknown to me, Nandi repaired the damage, he was left by the river as Nandi had ordered, the man looked to be the age of my brother who told me he had seen nineteen spring, and that I was born two spring after him two spring less, than he, however my brother also claims the brakra's wife loves him, she told him so, he said, I count five years since I had first seen my blood and Nandi told me that the masters never wasted time after a birth, to put out the women again for breeding, 'years', the masters count by twelve month, so I might be just ten month younger than my brother. Eighteen springs of the years.

Nandi had left me to watch over this almost white man, who she saw in time would be important to our people, too much blood had been shed in this war where we are hunted for wanting to breed free children, my brother stayed behind on the plantation where he was slave and used by the 'spirit eaters' so Nandi calls the despicable wife and the more despicably ruthless slave owner, the husband, this mistress took pleasure in torturing her slave lovers, Nandi has said that when she was a girl and came over the big water the white man, crew they called themselves sometimes take our men, who they had bound in chain, buckets of sea water was dashed on them, washing them off to then perform unspeakable acts upon them body, then when the damages of abuse begin to show with the smell of decay, they were tossed overboard, even the women and children were misused, that many of our stolen and bartered people who had a chance to, after, escaped by throwing themselves over board for the sea spirit to claim them, the ones who never escaped lost their soul with their minds, they would stare into nothingness, some would just scream, imposed on them a legacy of corruption, oppression, a violation of mind and body, rape and greed, crimes against humanity and creation.

"You go home' I said, the earth smelled of death, blood and gun powder, he was staring at my bared breasts, most of our cloth made loincloth, the awareness there was uncomfortable, I had killed two men the night this dawn is ending, laying under the water, holding my breath as another traitor guided a white scout into our territory, as they passed treading carefully on slippery rocks, water up to their mid calf, I had quietly surfaced my feet gliding over the rocks as Nandi had taught me, the scout made a gurgled sound as I slid the knife across his throat, the traitor turned and I looked him in the eyes as I ran him through with my spear.A still right now, I would end this man before me, life without remorse or regret if he is or intend harm to my people, no matter effect he has on my body, the nipples on my rounded now heavy, bouncy breast now were becoming pebbled hard and erect. I watched him licked his lip and then glance away. 'What is your name?' he repeated, hoarse, 'go' I said, keep him safe Nandi had said. I must be sure he reach home alive shrugging off the lethargy that had began to sway my body toward the dark Spanish moor nearly white man. 'I will find my way back to this spot, again see if my dark night angel will be here, and though I grew up forced to learn and understand orders in this language, how he was using words from their bible, confused me, I watched as he stagger ahead, I would stay in the shadows of the trees to watch over him.

'His soul is calling you from the shadow' I had not sensed her, I turned my head and look upon the woman who trained me, who remade me, Nandi was tall and wiry her skin smoother, deeper pure black chocolate, black eyes circled with silver, her head though most of the time she wore head wrap now was uncovered and her long thick black hair was rope twisted then circled into small bumps, 'I smelled him' she said answering the question I had not spoken, 'he has honour in his blood, loyal, and strong, he is passionate but reined in, restrained yes, very controlled, not like the beast that led you to chose the shadow', he was fighting the scout that you met then ended that scout was about to shoot one of our children, we were talking in the old language, which Nandi was fluent, the full moon was rising, the limb of the tree onto which some colour was showing. Nandi was standing on a small branch that had not dipped it was as if she were weightless, 'it is like that night' I said, 'the circle' she said quietly, 'he will return, demolish the past demon' she said just before seemingly floating down to a lower tree, then misted into the air. My mother had feared and revered the slave masters my father hated them, he did not know his place, he did not live long, my mother called me by an English name, now I have no name, the moon was full the night the master came for me in his madness, bible in hand preaching the old testament and foaming at the mouth, about sacrificing animals, I had been counted as one of three to be sacrificed, but he would draw blood before he eventually burn us, the mad master beat us into the ground, our screams turned to groans 'that one is dead throw her into the fire,' I heard in the far darkness of my mind, the smell of burning human flesh seeped into my system, on my belly, where I'd collapsed from the kneeling position, the master and his congregation of lunatics had placed us. And then the smell, newly spilled blood came strong, gasps of shock then screams 'demons' 'is the witch' ' the black witch' 'demon witch' death then silence, then I felt my body lifting and carried, then nothingness. When I returned to consciousness I could feel the sort of buzzing pain all over my body, then the woman said 'little girl' slowly; we trained my body to war, over the years, Nandi wanted a shadow I obliged. I now look out across the water and saw the brown horse came into view, the Spanish- moor slid from its back, guiding the animal to a tree to where he tied the rein. He turn to look at the water then, look directly toward the tree where I sat, or, my heart began to thud, at me.

I descended from my perch, swinging down from branch to branch, once on the ground I hesitated, then remebered what Nandi had told me, I skipped lightly down the slope hillside then over the water, he blinked in surprise as I stood before him 'where did you appear from my night angel,' I loved the sound of the roll of his tongue, he grinned widely and I saw beautiful teeth, under the light of the moon, he sat down on a rock, pulling me down beside him, sometime during the day I had found the house closer to the trees and taken a pillow case to open and cover my breast and though they tingled when his hands touched mine, I did not feel so exposed, ' what is Spanish - Moor ' I stared out to the water, trying to steady my ragged breathing. He sighed 'my mother is from Spain' I felt him turn his head looking hard at me, 'across the sea' the big water, flashed through my mind and I look at him from the corner of my eyes, my next breath of air stuck in my lungs as my eyes landed on his lips.
'My father is son of a Moor merchant whose eyes fell upon and lusted after my mother, a simple Spanish girl, my mother died and my father married an English whore whose father wanted funds to revitalize a bankrupt plantation, suddenly he turned to me I watched him place his lips on mine and started licking, nipping then pushing his tongue into my surprised open mouth, I began shaking uncontroll his hand moved to push the covering off my breasts, and began molding, pumping and scraping my nipple while his mouth travelled down my neck to open over my nipple to begin sucking, as his hand continue kneading the other breast, I thought I passed out to come aware and sitting in his lap, my head on his chest and him groaning every now and then as he tried adjusting me on his lap. The thick hardness pressing against my centre were sending waves of pleasure throughout my body, pulsing,vibrating and his hardness was throbbing, I pressed on him a rubbing with curious desire and white lightning, quickly turned black, went through me, I shattered hearing his loud drawn out groan that climaxed with his loud gasp 'oh God!'

I called her Nandi     E Morrison 1-2-3-4-5Where stories live. Discover now