Chapter 1

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I was out walking around trying to process my recent breakup with Sam when I bumped into someone, knocking both of us to the ground. I shook my head a bit to rid myself of the disorientation and looked over at the other person as I asked, "Hey, are you alright?" I noticed that the other person was a boy around my age. He had (s/c) skin, (h/l) (h/c) hair that seemed to reflect the sunlight, and he wore a (f/c) t-shirt with medium-dark jeans and (f/c) tennis shoes.

He was rubbing his head and groaning, his eyes closed. He soon opened them, revealing them to be stunning (e/c), and looked at me as he answered, "Yeah. I'm not hurt or anything. A little winded from landing on my ass, but other than that, I'm fine." I stood up and offered my hand to the other boy to help him up. He smiled a bit and took it with little hesitation. "I'm Danny. Danny Fenton." I introduced myself to the (h/c)-haired boy after I helped him up. He was taller than me by about three inches.

He smiled at me again and said, "Well, Danny, I'm (M/n). (M/n) (L/n). It's nice to meet you." 'He seems nice.' I thought to myself as I smiled back at him and said, "Nice to meet you too, (M/n). I haven't seen you around before. Are you new here?" (M/n) nodded and told me, "Yeah. I just moved here a couple days ago. I'm still trying to find my way around." He smiled sheepishly as he said the last part. I smiled back and said, "That's okay. I can show you around, if you'd like."

His (e/c) eyes seemed to light up at my offer. "Really? You mean that?" he asked in surprise. I nodded as I replied, "Yeah. Of course. I don't mind at all." He smiled wider at me and I swear my heart skipped a beat as he said, "Oh, thank you! You know, you're the first person to even acknowledge me since I moved here. In fact, you're the only person who hasn't been avoiding me like the plague."

Now that surprised me. No one had ever acknowledged or talked to (M/n) since he came to Amity Park? So not cool. Pushing this thought aside, I looked at him and said, "Really? Well then, the people who have been avoiding you are just plain stupid. You seem like a pretty cool guy, (M/n). " (M/n) blushed a faint pink color and looked away as he responded, "Y-you really think so, Danny?" I smiled at him and told him, "Yeah. I wouldn't lie about something like that." I paused to look at the sky, then looked back at (M/n) and continued, "It's getting late. Why don't we head back to my place? It's only about a ten minute walk from here...and I have a guest room that you could use..." He looked back at me in surprise and asked, "Really? Even though we literally just met, you'd be willing to let a stranger like me come into your home? How do you even know you can trust me?" I looked at him with a mysterious look on my face as I replied simply, "Instinct."

After my rather cryptic answer, I began leading a confused (M/n) towards my house, which was, as I had told him, only ten minutes from where we'd bumped into each other. I'd only known the boy for a few minutes, but I could just tell that he and I would turn out to be really good friends...maybe even more...

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