The Conversation

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Dave stood on the edge of the building, staring down. He saw the people below walking around concerned with finding their next way to be temporary satisfied. "They should have noticed you by now." He turned to see the creature standing behind him. "Even at the edge of death they don't notice you" the creature said. Dave looked back down. " Is that why you've been following me the last week? To convince me to finally do it ? " The creature stared intensely at him. Dave turned back around to look at him. All week the creature had followed him from a distance. Always behind something or someone. Although Dave saw him he never got a good look at him. Now was his chance to see what the creature looked like. The creature stood just a little bit taller than Dave. It had the basic shape of a human, two legs, two arms, but it was very different. It had loose, rotten skin all over it's unique body. It's eyes were much bigger than normal and were completely black. It had yellowish, razor sharp teeth which it kept licking. It had only four fingers on each hand with just one very sharp nail on it's right hand. It had just two toes on each of it's feet. It was truly a sight one could never forget. However the part Dave found hardest to keep his eyes off of were the wings. The creature had a pair of large bat like wings that occasionally flapped. The creature smirked. " You don't realize it but I've been following you cause that's what you want." Dave looked back down confused." That's not true. I don't want you here I never wanted that."Yes you do,Dave" The creature spoke. "Every day for the last year you've thought about it. Your sick of being so average that no one even notices you. You want to do this but you couldn't make your self. So I came to help you decide." Shocked, Dave looked at the creature." Are you the devil ? " The creature suddenly laughed a raspy, menacing laugh. " I am not and no I'm not death either. I never got the fame that God, the Devil, and the others got. I won't go into details but let's just say a very long time ago the Grim Reaper pissed off the Devil. As I'm sure you know it's the Reaper's responsibility to collect the souls of those that die. Well what you don't know is that no one is capable off killing them selves. Some people have wanted it but could never do the deed. As punishment for the Reaper's mistake the devil created me. My responsibility is to help the few who have the urge decide. You see this makes more work for the Reaper. A lot more than you think. Dave stared." So your going to help me decide ?" " Yes I am. Now Dave your already on the edge I want you to hold out your arms and close you eyes."Dave did as he was told."Very good now I want you to think about reasons you should live and compare them to reasons you should die you'll make your decision." So Dave thought about this. After a lot of thinking he finally made his decision. " I want to live !" He said while laughing. " I finally found my reason to live !" The creature smiled. "That's nice Dave. Oh and I forgot one more thing." "What's that ?" Dave said as the Creature pushed him.It happened so fast but to Dave it was a life time. Dave was dead as soon as he hit the ground.People screamed trying to figure out what happened. The creature looked down from the top of the building."I really like pissing off the Grim Reaper."

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