Broken Glass (version 2)

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They taunt me because I am different –

Their words pierce through me

Like a knife piercing through skin.

They are like voices in my head –

Voices that whisper, scream –

Haunt my dreams.

They think they know me, know my story.

Whispering in the wind words with no meaning

But words I take to heart

Because of the hurt they give me.

Cold tears run down my already damp face.

Pain hurtles through my sore body

As my head throbs in agony –

Patronizing laughter surrounds my scared body –

I am in a world full of people who hate me.

Their voices full of disgust try to consume me –

Take me prisoner.

To no avail – I can take no more of it.

Soon I force my shattered body to stand.

I rip my eyes open –

Force them to see the faces.

I only see one –


I face a mirror,

Staring into sinister-black orbs I call eyes.

To find a broken girl –

Once full of hope and freedom,

She shimmered like a diamond in the night sky.

Within the glass words whisper, “You are not me.”

 I shatter the already broken glass into millions of pieces –

Never to be whole again.

Copyright © 2013 

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