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Alright, so you probably read the description of the story so do I still need to make a self introduction?
Well too bad.
Any who, like I said, I have a crush on my seating neighbor.

Her names Josie, dirty blonde hair, grey eyes that are gorgeous, and... Tons of admirers.

I'm gonna be lying if I were to say I wasn't jealous if a random dude would walk up to her during class and talk to her. It bothered me to no end!

Well, here I am, just a sporty girl who doesn't have the looks or the smarts. All I got is guy friends, video games, and sports, who would want a piece of me?! Huh, definitely NOT my crush.

So one day, I got sick and tired of keeping all of my feelings in my chest, so I decided to come out to Mich, my Scottish best friend. All he did was shrug and say, "I knew that", so since he took that so lightly, I decided to tell him my little 'crush'.

"So you like Josie? I also knew that."

I gave him the 'the hell' look.

"How do you know?" I say narrowing my eyes.

All he does is laugh like this is some kind of joke and stares at me with amusement in his eyes.

"So you think that the guys and I never notice you looking, no, staring at Josie with those loving, soothing eyes? Y'know, the 'I am so in love' eyes?"

"Am I that obvious?!"

He softened his gaze on me then.

"Hun, we're your best friends, we usually know what your thinking about."

Best friend my ass... Those idiots never bothered to help me when I needed it the most....

"Hey!" The school flirt, Grafton, said.

I ignored him and continued to play on my phone, this idiot thinks he can get Josie's number from me! What a retard.

"I said hey." He said.

I decided to talk to him thinking that it the best way to get him to be quiet.

"What." I replied coldly.

He showed me his 'golden smile' that he shows all of his flings.

"I was thinking, since your Josie's best friend, I'm sure you have her number. Can you tell me it?"

I glared at him, give him her number and let him ruin her life? No way.

"If you want it so much, go ask her not me."

"I did, but she wouldn't give me it."

I inwardly laughed, so this idiot thinks he can get her number through me just because she said no? Idiot! If she says no, then I'll obviously say no too.

I just stood up ready to leave until Grafton grabbed my arm. I turned around ready to kick him in his 'junk' until he said the sentence that made the world stop.

"I'll tell the whole school that you like her if you don't tell me her number, dyke." He sneered.

I glared at him. This dick would not dare. But wait, how does he know? I thought I had kept the signs hidden away really well.

"H-how, no, you don't even have proof that I like her so what makes you think that?" I said challenging him.

"Oh but I do," he snickered ,"you see these? Yep, I got picture of your stupid doodles."

Shit! I forgot that that bastard sat right behind me.

He showed me the pictures of my doodles that he took, looking at them, I could feel my cheeks burning up in embarrassment and anger.

The Girl that Sits by Me (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now