Beyond Her Final Breath

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Author: @BeyondCreative

Genre: Paranormal/romance
Chapters: 35 (+ an epilogue, 36)
Status: Completed
Short Description: "To put it in a nutshell it's about a girl who gets murdered and comes back. The only was she can pass on is to find and kill her murderer. The catch? She can't remember her past"

Rating: 9 out of 10
             Really Good

This book was very descriptive and written in such a beautiful way and there weren't very many errors I found or noticed either. This book made me really have to think and the end left me curious as to what went on later and towards the end I couldn't put the book down! I don't read paranormal books very often in my free time unless it's mainly romance, but this book was brilliant and I'm glad I read it!

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