pony on going!

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Mint julip:
She's shy and likes to brush her hair she likes mints and loves to drink juices she does not like to wear old fashions because she thinks ponies will laugh at her when they she her ,sometimes she hides at the back of her friend named orange sherbert when she saw her mareponycrush
Bright blueberry
Personality: she likes blueberry juices and does not want apple juice because she is allergic at apples so that's why she does not want to eat them.she dreams to be the best blueberry juice maker at ponyville .also she dreams to have the most biggest blueberry farm at ponyville.
Orange sherbert
Personality:she likes to fix her hair and does not want her hair to be down because she thinks she will not look beautiful she is the best pony friend of mint Julip
She always gives her friend some good friend advices because she knows that mint Julip is pretty shy so she always gives her some good friend advices.
Spruce step
Personality:she always likes to bully mint Julip and orange sherbert ,its her happiness when she bullied mint jullip and orange sherbert.she does not want to be outclassed of mint Julip and orange sherbert her friend cirrus fibratus also bullies them.
Cirrus fibratus
Personality:same as her friend spruce step she is a fast flier and always loves to take a nap at the clouds because they are so soft and fluffy!
Taffy twist:likes to eat candies and fast to run at the land she dreams to be the fastest pony at pinyville she also dreams to have a track and field at her house
All the ages of the ponies are 16
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