Chapter 4

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Eva slept like dead, if anybody had to wake her up they had to keep trying for at least 20-30 minutes, then she would yawn and say 'why did you wake me up so early?', Anna knew that so she had set up her alarm a half hour earlier.

"Eva wake up!" Anna shouted in her ear and saw Eva frowning.

"I don't want to go." She croaked out.

"Eva, stop and wake up! I am almost ready to go."

Eva finally opened one eye and squinted.

"You're fast," saying that, Eva sat up and ran her hand through her hairs.

Eva rubbed her eyes while Anna went to her room and did her makeup. She applied black eyeliner with a bit of mascara and dabbed the blush along her cheekbones. She posed in front of the mirror and examined her dress. 

When she was satisfied with herself, she went to Eva's room to find the clothes littered around the room. Anna skipped the clothes, went to Eva and scowled.

"What are you doing?" Anna observed that Eva was already dressed in a Black top and jeans, then why was she throwing clothes all over her room?

"I can't find my bag. Damn! Where are you? Just come out already," Eva muttered.

"I think that's there." Anna pointed to the table at the corner of the room.

Eva glanced there and shook her head in irritation.

"It was, it had tore open from beneath. I need another bag and that's what I am searching for."

"Oh! there it is." Anna pointed to the other corner of Eva's closet. 

Eva quickly grabbed it, dumped her books inside it and put it on her shoulder. Anna lifted an eyebrow at Eva but said nothing.

Anna and Eva, when reached college, Anna observed a particular guy staring at them. Anna observed some more and found that he was indeed staring at Eva. Well, he was handsome and Eva could have some friendship or more with him, Anna thought.

But when Anna glanced at Eva, she was glaring at the guy and the guy rolled his eyes, from behind the glasses, in reply.

"I see, you are already out, quarreling with other students." Anna lifted an eyebrow at Eva and Eva sighed.

"I did nothing, trust me. He has a bad habit of coming in my way. You know what, I even wanted to give him back his shirt which  I accidentally ruined for a while but then I washed it. But he-he lashed out on me for ruining his report. I swear it was not my fault, somebody pushed me."

Eva listened to her sister, fascinated with her very brief explanation of the happenings with the guy. Anna had rarely seen her sister giving an explanation, she assumed it had something to do with the guy or may be the guilt.

"I suppose his claims were not empty. He must have his reasons to lash out on you," Anna said.

"Ridiculous reasons," Eva said.

"Do you know his name?" Anna asked and Eva's head turned to her at a breakneck speed.

"Why? Are you interested in him?" Eva asked, narrowing her eyes.

"What if I am?" Anna glanced towards the guy, who was now sitting at a bench with his friends.

"He has a nice body. I see, he doesn't have a bad face either. He has everything very... nice." Anna said and hid her smirk.

Eva fiddled with the strap of her bag and appeared confused, even nervous, and Anna was surprised to see that.

"I don't think so... He is a nerd, look at his glasses, they don't even suit him... Yeah, they don't." Anna observed that even though Eva was saying those things about him but she looked like she didn't believe them and she was having trouble saying them.

Then in a sudden movement, Eva turned to her and narrowed her eyes to tiny slits while staring at Anna.

"What happened to Gavin? Or are you planning to cheat him?" Eva said and Anna turned red.

"No! I would never do that. How could you think that?" Anna said and shook her head like it was a sin to even think of. For Anna it was a sin to think of cheating on Gavin.

"You were just lusting after Max." Eva said and rolled her eyes.

"Max! So that's his name." 

"See, you're lusting again," Eva said.

"I am not. You look jealous, Eva."

"Jealous! What! Why would I be jealous? For god sake, he is nothing to me. He doesn't even qualify to be my proper enemy."

Here comes Eva, the all mighty... Anna thought.

Afterwards, Eva continued to speak and Anna knew better than to argue with her.


It was a break between classes Max got. He found an empty table in the cafeteria and went towards it. He sat on a chair and began searching his bag for his earphones. He took out all his books on the table and found the earphones in the pit of the bag.

Max took them out and started putting his books back inside. While he was putting the books inside, he found that there was another book, perhaps a diary with Black cover. 

Max observed it and then opened it up, knowing someone had forgotten it. The moment he opened it and saw the name, he had a suspicion that it was deliberately left behind. But how could she know that he was going to sit at exactly this table? She couldn't know and it was a co-incidence.

Max debated whether to leave the diary at the table, to take it with him or give it back to her.

But Max, for once, wanted to have an upper hand, so he put the diary in his bag.

Silently, he smirked and imagined Eva Landon's face when she would know that Max had her personal diary. But Max wasn't sure that it was really important to her. If it had been, why would she had left it behind so carelessly. Well, Max would have to find out the diary's importance, by reading it.

"So much fun," Max muttered and smirked at the diary.


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