Chapter nine merle

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I hurried into the pharmacy part of the store grabbing all of the stuff that rebel would be need'in, shoving it into the bag. Rebel has grown on me I'll admit but like a lil' sista, I just hope that Daryl Realizes that he could be happy with her before it's to late.
He loves her that much I know I see the way he looks at her when no ones looking, he looks at her like she's an angel 'hat fell from haven. As I was passing by I saw a baby section so I decided to grab a few things I grabbed a pretty lil' blanket with polka dots. Looking around I decided that would do. I don't know about all the risks behind child birthing during an apocalypse, but I do know that rebel is going to be a real good mama.
It's important to me that I get back to her.
Daryl's pov
By the time me and Rebel got back to camp people were going crazy with worry. "Rebel darling thank the lord your okay" Lori said. Rebel smiled at her "I'm ok I'm sorry but I threw up that food you gave me" I said a little guiltily. Lori smiled sweetly "its ok dear" a few hours later the truck pulled up "Merle!" I said excitedly jogging and hugging him.

Two weeks later...

"Rebel I know your scared but you have to do the test" Merle said trying to talk me into doing the pregnancy test. "Ok but I wont be able to look after." Merle chuckled and patted my back "I know darling I will look and tell you ok" I nodded. Then went behind a bush and peed on the stick thing, "ok now we just wait for five minutes ish" I said handing it to him. Those five minutes where the longest five minutes of my life.

When it was time to look Merle turned it over. "Rebel it's positive you're..." my heart dropped "Let me see it" I snatched it away from him and look sure enough a little pink plus stared back at me "No this is wrong give me another test I'm going to do it again" I said snatching the box. I did again, and again and again, until I ran out of test and each time that stupid pink plus sign stared back at me.

"I'm P-p-pregnant!" I said hysterically


Omg! so Rebels preggers! so Team Merle or team Daryl I still haven't gotten very many suggestion...

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hugs and kisses,


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