Chapter 3-- Last Goodbyes

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Silver's P.O.V************************************************************

As the peacekeepers lead me into the Justice building, I see Jewell terrified. I could see that she had regret in her eyes. Except, I know deep inside she knew she was doing the right thing. I knew that I was doing the right thing. I was still nervous. I am lead into a room where everyone who wants to, will say their goodbyes. I wait five minutes, no one comes in. Ten, fifteen. Then someone comes in.

"Silver!" shouts my dad.

"What took you so long dad! I've been waiting for you for like thirteen minutes!" I shout angrily

I go up to hug him with tears in my eyes.

" I was afraid... afraid that you would hate me."

" Why on earth would I hate you," I say wiping the tears from my eyes.

" I said that I wanted you to volunteer, I didn't think you would've done it if it weren't for me," He says while staring at the floor.

" Dad, it isn't your fa--Then i get cut off

"Time to leave," shouts the peacekeeper.

Before the peacekeeper takes him out of the room, he says I love you. He has never said that before. I don't know why he never said it, but I always knew that he did. I wait for a long time. Then the peacekeeper comes in and says---

" No-one else is here for you, looks like no one likes you," He says while laughing.

I want to punch him in the face so bad, so I did. Then, he grabs the butt of his gun and hits me in the head and I'm unconscious

Jewell's P.O.V********************************************************

As the peacekeepers grab my arms, I see Silver. He doesn't look nervous, regretful or anything! I feel all of those things right now. I can't wait to see my mom, I know she will come to say goodbye. I haven't seen her since the beginning of the reapings. The peacekeepers lead me into a small little room where people come in and say their goodbyes. A second passes and then----

" Jewell!" shouts my mom.

We run at each other with our arms spread.

" Please, please win. Win for your family, keep us on your mind, whenever you are having hard times in the arena just think of us." she says crying her eyes out.

" What else can I think about," I say with a straight face on trying to let her know I'm okay.

" Try not to kill that many people please, that would make me sad to see you do that." she says.

" Mom, I will try not to, and if I do, don't think differently about me please," I say with the tears starting to form."

" I will never think differently about my little Jewell," she says forming a smile on her face.

We hug for about 10 seconds then----

" Time to leave!" says the peacekeeper looking happy that I have to leave her.

" I love you mom!" I says quickly.

'I love you t--" the door shuts.

I'm wondering if anyone else will be here to see me. Then---

"Jewell, you are such a-----," she curses me," I was going to volunteer," Celia says angrily.

Then she comes up and hugs me.

"But I don't care about that anymore, I only care about you surviving. You are good at using throwing knives. You will hit those stupid excuse of a people," she says smiling.

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