chapter 1

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Him. Him of all people. When dad told me and my sister that we would have a new brother I didn't expect it to be someone like him. Dad said that we would get along just fine but I knew we wouldn't l. Him and Jacqiline maybe but not me. I was average. Brunette, blue eyes, curvy, short and way too opinionated for my fourteen years. My sister was blonde and thin, shall I say more? Anyway, Luca was.... sexy. At 6"2 he had broad shoulders with a swimmer's lean body. Black silky hair so full and voluptuous I was jealous. Bright blue eyes and harsh black eyebrows. A cutting jawline with plump yet masculine lips and a strait carved nose. Wow. I even got horny just looking at him. And that voice too. Deep and baritone with a hint of New York that made him even more fuckable. Wait, what!!! 1) you're 14 and he's 18 2) he would never be interested and 3) he's your new step brother... hello! I snapped out of my reverie long enough to here Carmella my new stepmum invite us all outside to eat.


Hey guys hope you enjoy the story so far even though I haven't done a lot... but steamy parts will be coming up if I get some followers.

Whatever He WantsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora