Chapter 1

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"Escape", the only thought on my mind, while I dodging a multitude of fire being flung at me. I felt weak, defenseless, even with my abilities, I was powerless. I could only notice the two, now burnt corpses laying on the ground. I failed. He managed to take the lives of Vince and Herbe, and there was nothing I could do about it. Now there was only five of us left. But I knew If I didn't act fast, there would only be four.

I check my arm, which is burnt flesh, to see if I could act. No luck. I was continued to be bombarded by fireballs, occasionally having my path blocked by a blazing wall. With trees in every direction, I couldn't see and the burning leaves and tiny flakes of fire ,found by burning a campsite, didn't help matters. All I could pray is for authorities to show up, since there is a definite wildfire happening in the midst of the city.

"I'm going to die" is a thought that kept rushing through my head, but maybe it was true, no one could help, not the police, not Vince, not Herbe. Suddenly, a bolt of blaze hits my back, and I nearly trip over, which would've ensured my immediate death. I can't contain my pain no longer, I shriek in terror.

"Just give up", my attacker says with a slight hint of a smile.

I continued to run with my back burnt. But he was catching up. I knew that this was it. My life will meet a fiery end.

But that was before a miracle happened. When I checked my arm once more, I saw that my imprint on my arm began to glow. I then tripped on a unsuspecting log.

" There's no more running, now", he mumbles melancholy.

I stare at my surroundings, searching for something, but when I realize an inferno surrounds me, there was really no more running. He calmy approaches me with, what it seems to be daggers of flames. I concentrate on a nearby tree and just as I can see the paleness of his eyes, I send the tree hurdling toward him.

Just as he notices, the tree hits him, sending him hurdling through the forest. I concentrate on the inferno surrounding me, and I put it out. My arm loses its glow once more. I run across the forest and find myself at a clifface, when I look back, I see a multitude of orange, red, and blue. He's coming and he's infuriated. If I don't act, he come and murder me for sure.

I look down, seeing only a bunch of rocks and water in my path. If I jump, I could die with the impact of the rocks.I look back, seeing that he was already upon me. I look at the cliff again.

"I can take those chances" I thought.

So I jumped, and when I reached the bottom, I see only blackness.


"Maggie", a voice calls to me.

"Yes", I respond.

"Don't lose hope, you'll see soon enough."

I begin to see a figure in the distance. The temperature drops rapidly. I try to chase the figure, but it continually grows more and more distant.

"Wait!", I call out.

"You'll find me soon enough", the figure spoke.

Just as I reach for it, I am blasted with fire. I lay hopelessly on the ground.

"Wake up", the figure commanded me.

"Wake up!!!"


I wake up in a rickety bed. I notice the bandages wrapped around me, but I was in no hospital. I check my arm, no glow. I open the door ever so slightly, but what it seems to be a decades old door, makes a loud creaking sound. I hear a voice, I assume of an old lady.

"Don't be shy, come in, make yourself at home", she welcomed.

I carefully take my steps across the living room, which was built all by wood. It seems to be done by hand, as some imperfections like rickety floorboards and unfinished painting. There are many spots that were left untreated and dirty clothes and dishes. I could also notice mouse traps and bug poisioning around the floors and walls. She obviously needs to clean up around here.

"I found you by the beach shore, I thought you were just nappin', but as I notice know no one was comin' for ya, I took you in my fine home.", the lady kindly explained.

I took a look at her. Pale skin. At least 50 years of age. Wrinkles. Green eyes. And about 5 feet. But I'll admit it, she looks in good condition for her age.

"So what's your name", the woman asked, much to my surprise. "I'm Hannah"

I pause for a minute before answering.

"I-I-I-I'm Maggie", I managed to respond.

" What a wonderful name", she compliments.

I look at my bandages on my arm, leg, and back, then the question comes out.

"Did you treat my wounds?"

"Yes, I retired from nursing, you seemed to be in bad condition, when I picked ya' up", she said. "You couldn't go to the hospital, it was too far away, and plus most of the authorities were responding to the wildfire, four days ago."

"Four days ago!", I yelled.

"You were out for quite some time", Hannah reiterated."You actually missed some big news"

Hannah slides over a newspaper to me. I skim over the paper, only to realize that what she said about big news was true. As I have read, he framed me for the fire last night, accusing me of Wince and Herbe's murder, burning his leg, and starting a wildfire that nearly destroyed the forest. But only I knew that he used his pyrokinesis to try and kill me. But Wince and Herbe defended me and got themselves killed.

He gave a clear description of me and now I had a bounty on my head. It's a good thing Hannah didn't catch on yet.

Hannah brought out a large soup pot and waved me for dinner.

"Tonight is onion soup", Hannah offered. "Come down and eat"

I sit at a folding chair, which seen better days, next to a rusty, metallic table. Hannah pours me a bowl, but a feel reluctant because the not-so clean atmosphere gives me second ideas on how sanitary to food is. But I'm starving, so I'll take what I can get.

"You must be starving, bein' knocked out and all",she predicts.


Hannah takes her seat.

"Can you believe that someone would do an unspeakable act like that?", Hannah asked.

"What do you mean", I say unknowing of what she was referring to.

"The fire" Hannah seemed annoyed.

"No, really" Hannah responded sarcastically. It caught me that she had a sarcastic side. I eat my food quickly, just slurping it. I answer with a "No".

"It's crazy out there", she tells me. "That's why I live outside of the city itself"

"City?",I ask unknowingly.

"Your not from around here, are you?", Hannah points out. I'm surprised of her observation. "We're outside of the city of love, Paris. Maybe you should visit the Eiffel Tower"

I get up from my seat and head toward the door with my things and my hoodie.

"Where are you going?", Hannah ask."It's crazy out there."

"The Eiffel Tower", I answer.

"Hey, Maggie"


"My home is your home, be careful out there.", Hannah ensures.

"Thanks" I head out the door.


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