Meet Kane

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"Hello Stephanie. You called me?" I asked Steph. "Yes, come in. Ok so, I know it's only your 2nd day here but I want you to meet someone and someone else too." Steph said."Sure! Who is it?" I asked. "Randy Orton and Kane. And I have something planned today with a match that I just scheduled. It will make business BOOM!" Steph said. "Oh ok!" I said.
Randy came in and so did Kane. Kane scared me, I think I peed my pants. I saw Randy and said hi. I shook Kane's hand and to be totally honest he's actually nice. And Randy is hot!
"Thanks and so are you" Randy said and he winked at me. I blushed and crossed my legs. "So what will make business boom?" I asked Steph.

*After Stephanie told her*

"Well, I have to go to a meeting and Kane your coming with me because you need new merchandise so let's go." Steph said as she got up along with Kane. "Bye Lexi!" Steph and Kane said. "Bye!" I said back just as they walked out the door. Me and Randy had to rehearse our lines. I bent over and grabbed our packets from Steph's desk. From the corner of my eye, I could see Randy licking his lips. Gross.
*Lexi's Match*
It is now my match against Alicia Fox. My theme came on and I did the Bella Booty Shake while putting my index finger in the air. I touched some fans hands and I saw a little girl who was crying holding up a sign that said, "Lexi Bella ❤️ Let's go Bella 03!" I smiled and hugged her. I got in the ring and yelled, "Fearless Mode!" and got on my side while Cameron came out.
*Skip to the drama basically*
I grabbed Cameron by the hair when I heard Kane's music play. That my cue to act all scared. I really am. Cameron got out of the ring as fast as lightning. I looked everywhere around the crowd for Kane but I didn't see him. All the fans were screaming by then. I then saw something in the ring. A hole. I saw Kane's hand and I screamed for help. He came out and grabbed my leg. I was now being dragged by Kane in the ring. Everything was red and I could barely see. I heard Randy's music right after I yelled again. He came in and all the red lighting was turned off. Randy beat Kane and Kane went backstage running. But before, he pointed at me and smirked. Randy got a microphone. "Are you okay?" Randy said. I nodded and hugged him. All of a sudden, he kissed me. That wasn't apart of the script! He pulled away and I got out of the ring.

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