Part I - Falling for You

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Just a few more minutes...

Twilight Sparkle lazily turned to her side, a soft, content smile brightening her face. Though the persistent heat of the early morning sun on her face insisted she begin her day, the princess, it seemed, had other plans in mind.

She protested with a lazy moan as she stubbornly clutched her pillow. I can afford to sleep in, she reasoned with herself, her mind still trapped in the delirious limbo between dreaming and wakefulness.

Like any overworked soul would attest to, it was near impossible to argue with a good night's rest. Three days of hiking through the mountains, sleeping outside and all the bug bites that came with it had taken its toll on the alicorn. It came as no surprise that her body would stop at nothing to hold out for as long as it possibly could.

Even if her body was in perfect condition, however, the weight of the day ahead of her would have kept her pinned down regardless. For once, it seemed that everything was going her way. All she had to do was stay in bed, and she would remain inside this small bubble of perfection. There were no responsibilities to worry about in her run-down room. No guilt, no angry crowds, no pressure, no judgemental glances. Though she knew that running away from one's problems was a fool's errand, it seemed, at least for now, to be the best decision she had ever made.

Twilight yawned as she rolled over again. Though the circumstances certainly could have been a lot better, it had been a long time since Twilight had slept this soundly. In fact, it probably would have been the best rest of her life if not for the fact that it ended with a swift smack to her face.

"Aah!" Twilight shrieked, her eyes flying open to be greeted by an angry-looking griffon looming far above her, broom in talons.

"Who are you?" he squawked, grabbing Twilight's forehoof and forcefully lifting her off the bed. "Why are you here? Who let you in?"

"Uh, I, I, um..." Twilight stammered, her mind still reeling from the rude awakening. "I'm so sorry! I tried to wake you up last night, but you wouldn't budge! I-I left you some money on the counter!"

The innkeeper leered at Twilight as he held her in the air, his sharp talons digging into her skin as he held her foreleg in a tight grip. His fierce, rageful scowl was almost as painful as his claws, glaring into her eyes like an eagle eyeing its prey.

"Feh." he huffed, releasing his grip and letting her fall back onto the bed. "I thought as much." he said, crossing his arms. "But I don't appreciate surprise guests."

Twilight stood herself up, rubbing her slightly-bloodied forehoof where the innkeeper had broken the skin. "I-I'm so sorry, sir" she apologized again, cringing as she scooted her way off of the bed.

"Hmph. You're lucky I'm nice." He said, pointing a razor sharp talon in front of Twilight's muzzle. "Most griffons these days aren't too keen on ponies."

Twilight shrank back, nervously eyeing his talons. She flinched as the innkeeper lowered his arms, "I, uh, didn't underpay, did I?".

"On the contrary!" he laughed. "Though I'm flattered that you think my inn costs 200 bits per night. Should I just assume the extra 190 was an unsolicited stay fee?"

Twilight winced. "Oh.".

The talons hurt a lot less than that.

Putting on an awkward smile, Twilight slinked her way around the innkeeper and made a beeline toward the door. "Well, um, thanks very much for your understanding." She said, using her magic to open the splinter-filled door. "You have a lovely place here."

Just as Twilight took her first step, the innkeeper's tail smacked her in the face. "Oh no you don't! Where do you think you're going?"

"Ow!" Twilight said, rubbing her cheek. "Would you quit-"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2015 ⏰

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