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Simon's p.o.v
We followed Zoey to the ~shack~ when we arrived there was a giant hole "I'm gonna take a look inside anyone joining?" I said Lewis flew forward I walked into the small hole I tripped over and tumbled down a flight of stairs I stood up from the ground after the fall I looked around "this place is massive!" I exclaimed Lewis hung from the roof "yea do you think they made this?" Lewis asked I nodded we herd whispers "guys come over here!" I called everyone rushed down and bewildered at the base "this seems sketchy" honeydew said I shook my head I creeped forward hearing hooves? Running across the smooth stone flooring I turned the corner to see 4 pony things I ran back "Rythain can you identify these things?" I asked Rythain followed we looked around the corner "looks like a earth pony,Pegasus,unicorn and a alicorn" Rythain explained "....ok..." I said trying to process the information I've been told I placed a paw forward but Rythain pulled my tail back "ow watch it" I growled "Simon ever thought this could be a trap?" Rythain asked 'never accrued to me' I thought I shook my head I stepped forward "guys we have to run!" the earth pony ordered they nodded and started running I ran after them I followed close behind they jumped through some water and swam up I followed signs leaving gaps of air we floated to the top of the watervater I looked behind me to see the others 'thank notch I'm not alone' I thought the unicorn and the earth pony galloped forward while the alicorn and the Pegasus flew over head of them Ross ran up next to me "let's pounce" Ross suggested I nodded we jumped into the air claws showing teeth baring I missed the unicorn but Ross got the earth pony Ross bit down on its back leg stopping it from running away "get off me!" It yelled "hey smiffy isn't that dan?" Trott asked they came closer Ross let go "yea it is only a pony" Ross said "explain please" I asked "Dan or Cavemanfilms yea it's me but your in danger just let me go!" Dan explained a white glow surrounded Dan and started moving it closer to the white unicorn "AFTER THEM" I ordered everyone was on the chase again
Doubles p.o.v
I flew over Baki "you got him?" I asked "yea but they're chasing us again!" Baki said Dan floated infront of Baki in a white glow "dude why did you stop running?!" I asked flying next to him "oh I'm sorry for being attacked and bitten on my leg!" Dan snapped I looked at his leg a chunk of his leg was missing and blood was pouring out "Simon can you kinda try and heal dan?!" I asked Simon flew down a little his horn started glowing Dans leg stopped bleeding "sorry that's the best I can do" Simon said "GET BACK HERE" they yelled we picked up the pace we ran into the giant cave and jumped through the ghost blocks we landed in water we got out and went into our cages I sat down my wings folded up -so did they take it?- sky asked -*sigh* unfortunately- I said I herd a bundle of splashes I looked into the cell there stood a couple of wolves and bats
Zen's p.o.v
I looked over to the cell all of them were there I turned to James and Thomas who were in my cell "they're here" I said in a sigh I walked over to the bench and laid down I put my head in my arms I used my magic to pull my cape over my head "muwhahahahahaha you fell for the trap I see" lanable said "what are you up to?" Rythain asked "and why are your friends in cages?" Zoey asked "what? Oh you mean my failed hybrids?" Lanable asked the word failed really ticked me off I dug my claws into the bench "wait what?!" They yelled "heh you thought we'd work for him?" I asked "I locked you away years ago how did you not get caught?" Duncan asked "HA those villagers are the dumbest I just said I was lanable hector and not a defective clone and they let me walk right out the door" lanable said "so what now?" Lewis asked "well now I get to do experiments on you" Zenix said "what we trapped you in the nether!" Martyn yelled "yea just like we watch lanable die" Sky said "Zenix should we explain?" Lanable asked Zenix nodded
Bendy- lanable bold- Zenix
So after the hybrids killed me my sound was transferred into a soul stone which Zenix found him as a shadow knight allowed him to hear me once I found the soul stone we made a partner ship when I captured Martyn I was meant to bond lanable's soul to Martyn so he would have a body but I found one of Duncan's dead clones that hurtled down from space once I had a body I was sick of the green so I decided on red anyway we made sure that we both got revenge so we made sure we sent the hybrids plane tickets for a unknown holiday lanable shot it down and I made sure they got out
They finished talking everyone stood silent "well get comfy we'll see you later" lanable said teleporting out Zenix teleported after him "so welcome to hell" I said laying down again "let's try and find a way out!" Simon yelled "oh don't even bother we've lost hope again" sky said "what?! You can't just lose hope like that!" Lewis said "guys I have a idea" Martyn said "and that would be?" I asked "what about your split personalities?" Martyn asked "never again" I mumbled "pardon?" Martyn asked "I said NEVER AGAIN!!" I snapped "what do you mean?" James asked "remember when you guys were under attack I tried to bring out my rage and when I did I couldn't control it I was out of control so I said I wouldn't bring out my personalities willing they would have to come out naturally" I explained they continued to talk 'don't come crying to me when I get out of control' I thought

YES I FINISHED THE CHAPTER I'm so so sooooooo sorry it took this long to write this I had the flu then a head cold but I'm back in business so expect more chapters coming ur way!

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