Chapter 5

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I woke up to the sound of the alarm going off on my phone. I reached over to turn it off and turned around to see Chris's spot empty.

"Chris?" I called out.

"Yo!" He yelled from the other room, walking in shortly after wearing nothing but grey joggers.

"Sorry I was just wondering where you were..." I blushed. I admired his tattoos and his lean body structure and didn't realised I was staring until he called me out.

"Like what you see?" He smirked.

"Oh please." I scoffed looking away.

"Oh c'mon, who wouldn't want this?" He motioned towards his body.

"Whatever, narcissist." I laughed as I got out of bed.

"Wanna shower? You kinda smell of alcohol and weed and smoke..." He chuckled.

"Yeah yeah whatever." I ran a hand through my hair.

"Here take these, and the shower's just through that door." He handed me a pair of black leggings, a white crop top and a flannel shirt along with some cute underwear.

"Where'd you get these from?" I questioned, taking the items from his hand.

"I had my assistant drop them off but the shirts mine." He grinned at me.

"Thank youu." I kissed him on the cheek and went into the bathroom.

After I showered and changed, I dried my hair and made my way downstairs.

"It's half twelve and you gotta be there at one. I can drop you and we'll grab a coffee on the way?" He told me to make sure I agreed.

"Yeah sure, just let me grab my bag and do a little makeup. I won't be long."

I went back into his room and applied some foundation, mascara and bronzer which I had kept in my bag. I grabbed the bottle of vodka from earlier and quickly drank a bit to keep my anxiety at a low. I threw my hair up into a messy ponytail and tied the shirt around my waist. After putting on Chris's trainers I got my phone and bag and went back down.

"Ready?" Chris stood up as I came downstairs.

"Yeah." I stopped at the bottom of the stairs to adjust the shirt but I was struggling because my hands were filled with my phone and bag still.

"Here let me." He came over to me and started to fix the shirt. His cold hands brushed over my stomach and he rested them on either side of my waist. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach as we made eye contact.

"Can I just..." He trailed off as he leant in. His grip on me tightened as our lips touched. His hands pulled me closer to him and I wrapped my arms and legs around him. He walked over to the sofa and slowly placed me on it, still holding me. He was standing in between my legs, leaning over me as I rested against the sofa. He pulled away after biting my lip but kept the lack of space between us.

"Damn I've been waiting to do that ever since I saw you." He smirked.

"Mmhmm..." I pecked him on the lips one last time and stood up.

Reality (sequel to Adopted By One Direction)Where stories live. Discover now