Chapter 4

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Puck's POV

I watched as Charlotte bent over the rose bush. Her pale hand caressed the gentle pink petals, and I smiled. Her face was plagued by a frown, though. I noticed the rose was wilting. So I placed my hand to the ground, and sent a simple healing enchantment to the rose. The flower instantly perked up, it's blooms spreading.

Charlotte whipped around, and smiled when she saw me. "Thanks," she said quietly.

"No problem, Princess." I grinned, before kneeling beside her. "So how about that walk in the woods?"

"Is- is it safe? No, never mind. That was a stupid question. Of course the Wylde Wood isn't safe." She rolled her eyes at herself.

"I won't let anything get you, Princess." I muttered, taking her hand in mine. Her dark eyes sparkled in the low light. Charlotte carefully closed the door of the mini greenhouse, and allowed me to pull her to her feet.

"Let's go," I smirked, and a glint of mischief flashed through both of our eyes. There was definitely no way this girl had Unseelie blood.


As we wandered out of Unseelie territory, the snow got thinner, before dramatically stopping. I watched as Charlotte uncomfortably pulled on the neck of her velvet robes and dress.

"Its so warm," she muttered, and slid off her heavy robe. I smiled, and took her robe from her and carried it. Her eyes were wide with wonder at all of the greenery and life of the Wylde Wood.

"Amazing, isn't it?" I ask, and take her hand in mine. Charlotte nodded, and I grabbed a blue flower from a vine that was growing up a tree. Her face lit up as I presented it to her.

"It's beautiful," she murmured, holding the flower to her chest.

"Not so beautiful as you, Princess." I bowed, and she blushed. I pulled her toward a small meadow, where the moon was shining.

I plopped down into the grass, and pulled Charlotte down beside me. A giggle left her lips, and I wrapped my arm around her shoulder. Charlotte's back instantly went rigid.

"Relax, Princess! You're not in court right now. Its just you, and me. Come here," I pulled her back so that we were laying on the ground, her head resting on my arm.

"Puck?" she whispered, propping herself up on her elbow, so that she was leaning over me. 'That's a sight I could get used to seeing,' I mused mentally.

"Yes Princess?" I smile. I noticed our faces were getting closer and closer.

A/N: so, thoughts? What do you think is going to happen? Leave your comments below!

Snowflake Princess (Puck, Iron Fae) [Revising]Where stories live. Discover now