Chapter 10

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Luke's p.o.v
"Oh Cal, it was awful, the way that jerk just dropped him in front of everyone like he was nothing. Oh I could kill that piece of shit for making my best friend cry like that" I listened to Perri tell my brother almost crying

"Want me to kick his ass? He replied. I would've laughed if I wasn't so angry because let's be honest Calum had never even been in a fight. I had and in that moment I was ready to find that piece shit and make him pay for humiliating Ashton like that. I clenched my knuckles tightly making them turn white and my face was turning red. But I couldn't go around beating people up, it wasn't my place and plus it wouldn't make Ashton like me anymore.

So after school I mustered up the courage to go to Ashton's, I knocked on the door to be faced with the beautiful blonde that was his mum. "Hey Ms Irwin, is um Ashton there?" I asked politely.

"Hello there Luke. It's Anne, Ms Irwin is my mum and I am nothing like my mother" she laughed. "And Ashton's not really up for visitors right now I'm afraid"

"Yeah I figured. I heard what happened today. And I was hoping to see him, maybe cheer him up? I understand if he doesn't want to see anyone though."

"Same, and if I ever see that boy again I'm going to feed him his balls" she said seriously. Kind of making me scared. Remind me not to cross this woman. "But you can go up and see him, he could probably use a friend anyway" she added, moving aside for me to enter her home. "He's in his room". I thanked her and ran up the stairs.

"Ashton?" I said knocking on his room door.

"Go away"

Ignored his plee and opened the door anyway and sat on the end of his bed. The sight broke my heart, he was crawled up in his bed crying his eyes out making me want to hold him tightly and tell him I'm here, that I'd always be there.

"I told you to go away".

"And yet I'm still here".

He sat up and threw his pillow at me me but completely missed and he pouted like a toddler being told he had to clean up his toys making me laugh a little.

"Glad you find my misery amusing". He said sassily

"Glad you're not on the basketball team".

At my reply he laughed for a couple of seconds before his mood dropped again. "Why are you here anyway? I'm not very good company at the moment". He said with a sniff.

"Because I'm gonna cheer you up, no matter what it takes" I shifted up beside him and put my arm around his shoulder and he rested his head on my chest, beginning to cry again. I shhed him and lifted his head up to look me in the eyes and stuck my tongue out at him playfully and he giggled, a manly giggle obviously. I wiped his tears with my sleeve.

In order to lighten his mood I gave him my best chat up lines

"Pizza is my second favourite thing to eat in bed".

"You're like my little toe because I'm going to bang you on every piece of furniture in my home".

"Have you tried an Australian kiss? It's like a French kiss but down under"

My stupid jokes seemed to work and he was in fits of laughter, his silly laugh made me howl as well. Soon the name Josh was forgotten about. I decided to play some music from my phone as we talked and Green Day- Basket Case came on making me stand up and start rocking out and singing along.

"Sometimes I give myself the creeps
Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me
It all keeps adding up
I think I'm cracking up
Am I just paranoid?
Am I just stoned?"

I played air guitar, making Ashton laugh even more. My plan is working, I am a genius.

I sat back down and he decided to take one of those 'selfies' people are always taking. We both smiled for it. He uploaded it onto Twitter and captioned, 'the cheer up squad❤ w/ @luketomlinson'. (Picture above).

Give this a listen, I said. Putting on 'Blink 182- I miss you'. And I sung along, looking at him the whole time.

"Hello there,
The angel from my nightmare,
The shadow in the background of the morgue.
The unsuspecting victim of darkness in the valley.
We can live like Jack and Sally
If we want."

The song played on but I stopped singing, distracted by those beautiful hazel eyes staring back at me. It was as if we were reinacting a scene from a soppy movie. I could've stared into those eyes forever.

The music stopped and it was silent, unconsciously we both started to lean in until we could feel each others breath on our faces. Lips about to touch. But we were interrupted by the sound of my phone beeping. I sighed and cursed but pulled out my phone anyway.

From DADDY ❤:
Where are you my favourite child? Lasagna for dinner :p

I'm at Ashton's, leave me some and I'll heat it up later x

From DADDY❤:
OH tell bae (Anne) I said hi! I like that boy he's sweet. No sex though, you're still my little boy xxxx lol

I read the text and mentally face palmed, my dad is such a freak. I shouted hi down to Anne anyway and se excitedly returned the hi to her "bff". Ashton giggled in embarrassment, our parents were so basic.

The rest of the night we just talked, held each other and listened to music before I went home to be teased by my parents about being at a boys house, they all knew I was gay and obviously they didn't mind.

I fell asleep dreaming about Ashton, except it wasn't a dirty one this time...

Material Boy (Lashton)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang