Part 16: Car rides and Colours

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The first two chapters of my new story, If I Didn't Know Better, have have posted. I would love it if you could all read them and give me some feedback! I value the opinion of every single one of you!!


The knocking at the door got louder and Genevieve sat up, pulling the blanket closer to her in concern. Who on earth would be at her door at four forty in the morning? Not even the morning show had started.

"Gen?" She thought she Matt hiss from behind the door.

She tossed the blanket aside cautiously and approached the door. "Matt?" She called out cautiously. As she slowly opened the door, she relaxed. "What are you doing here?"

He was standing there, a light blue sweater zipped close to his neck and hands shoved in his pockets. His hair was loosely gelled back on top and fell behind his ears, his face exasperated. "Why aren't you ready?"

She crinkled her brow in confusion. "What do you mean 'why aren't you ready?' It's four thirty in the bloody morning!"

"But I texted you!" He sighed, a whining undertone to his words. "We have to go!"

She crossed her arms in annoyance. "I was ready at five pm, like you said."

He looked at her as if she were insane, "I said to be ready to go before five am!" He rifled through his pockets, and held out his phone to show her the message.

She turned it around to show him the scrambled message as she raised an eyebrow. "Was there any chance you couldn't see what you were typing under that cracked screen?"

Matt's face fell as he looked at the indecipherable message. "So you don't want to go then?"

She tilted her head in confusion. "Go where?"

He smiled widely as he bounced on the balls of his feet, apparently quite eager to head out. "It's a surprise."

Genevieve tried to decipher the look on his face, but his bright eyes gave nothing away. She stifled a yawn and bit her lip, eyeing him suspiciously. "I guess I'm already up."

Matt clapped his hands together! "Great! We've gotta go then!"

She shook her head with a faint smile, as she held the door open. "Give me a minute to make myself human."


They had been been in the car for close to forty minutes and hadn't spoken much; whilst Genevieve had tried getting their mystery destination out of him, he would not release a single detail, eventually forcing her to give up. Soon after, he had reached over for her hand, intertwining their fingers and resting them on his thigh as he drove in silence.

The silence was surprisingly comfortable. Whilst Genevieve would have once shyed away from the contact and sat stewing over conflicting thoughts, she now enjoyed his touch and reveled in the peace his presence gave her. Matt had such a warm soul that he could make anyone feel comfortable around him.

If this had been anyone else, she surely wouldn't have been as accepting of the situation. It was also probably because she didn't care so much about anyone this way. She was well beyond smitten.

She had been trying to assess the location of their secret destination, but the combination of being woken mid slumber and it being pitch black outside had her mind drawing blanks; the deep hue of the navy sky proved that it truly was darkest before the dawn.

Genevieve straightened up in her seat as she finally realized where they were. She raised an eyebrow, and asked questionly, "What on earth are we doing here?"

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