{4} Breakfast and Sorry

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A/N hey guys this is @harrys_girl123 (again) sorry we haven't updated in a while!!!!!

we uploaded a picture of what Chloe looks like. shes basically zoe sugg so if you wanna see more of her just google " zoe sugg" and it will give you pictures of her. and shes also a youtuber and shes awesome.

-mari and noa <3

~Chapter 4~


Harry narrowed his eyes at me and scoffed. "Yeah, sure, ruin EVERYTHING why don't you?" Soon he was trotting after Louis and I was left alone in the tiny hallway.

I decided to run after them, since I had made Louis cry, after all. "Louis? D-dad?"

Soon enough I heard sobs coming from a room, along with comforting murmurs.

Suddenly, the door swung open and I was met with fierce emerald green eyes. Behind my father, I could see Louis crouched in a corner beside a bed, his face in his hands and his back towards us.

"What are you doing here?" Harry growled.

He shut the door behind him fiercely, and looked at me right in the eye.

Defending myself, I started, "It wasn't hurtful at all!!!!!"

"Believe it or not, the worst thing a parent should have to hear is that their child prefers someone else. Specially when it's related to his... Sexuality..." Harry waited for me to say something.

"Maybe I don't want a father who is just a male version of an overgrown girl!"

Right at that moment, Louis came out of the room, his eyes red, puffy, and filled wit hurt. His lip was trembling uncontrollably, "I-I'll just go..." He started. "I'll be in the lunch room..." He left awkwardly.

Harry shot one last glare at me and then followed Louis to the lunch room.

Talk about total drama queens!

*next day*

I woke up again to see a blank wall.

Why did this ... Wall... Remind me of my hallway?

I shrugged off the question and went to my bathroom to get fixed up to go to school. I entered the small bathroom to see that my make up was all smeared on my face and I looked like I had just gotten dumped by my beloved boyfriend and was in a total depression. Which I wasn't.

I quickly turned on the shower faucet and waited until the water was warm enough. When it felt about right, I stripped off my clothes and got into the shower; letting the relaxing water hit my skin.

Once I was done, I did my make up, but kept it simple, since today was finally friday.

I then put on some galaxy themed leggings and a black, basic t-shirt.

When I went downstairs, I saw nobody. How strange! My dads usually eat breakfast with me!?

Then, it all hit me... Yesterday's fight, Harry's glares, Louis' saddened eyes...

I kinda felt bad for Louis though, remembering him like that made a tear fall down my cheek, but I quickly wiped it off.

If I want my prove my point to Harry, I must stay strong. Right?

So despite that I was mad at Harry, I took out two trays and made my best pancakes ever, and put some of my favorite cookies, which I would never share, on the trays. I decided to also include some fruits and a short note to Louis that read:

Louis, I'm truly very sorry for my words from yesterday, I wasn't thinking about what I said.

I'm sorry I can't tell you this in person, but as much as I hate it, I must go to school. Can we

have some bonding time together? Tomorrow or something? Ellie xxx <3

I sneaked up to their room and saw only Louis there. Sleeping. I must admit, my dad looks adorable when he sleeps!

I decide to cuddle next to him and wake him with the pleasant humming of his favorite song.

After about a short minute of humming, Louis' eyes slowly opened, adjusting to the light.

"Good morning Dad!" I said softly.

I think he was surprised, I could tell by his expression.

"Good morning love... What do you want for breakfast, huh?"

"Oh, I made you breakfast today. There is also another one for Harry. Could you please tell him?"

"Sure, but go now, I'm sure your friend is waiting for you outside!"

"Thanks Lou! Love you!"

"Love you more!"

And with that I left their room and headed to my own room. I grabbed my bag and my phone, and headed to my drive way, where my best friend was waiting for me. I had texted her earlier this morning asking her to give me a ride.

" Is your dad still mad at you?" Chloe asked.

"Louis, not really. Harry? I have no clue, he wasn't here in the morning" I responded as I got into her car.

"Well that's strange!" She exclaimed

"Hey, do you know that girl I was telling you about, the dork?"

"Oh yeah, why?" She asked confused, she looked at me for a split millisecond before she continued driving down the road.

"Well I think we should give her a try." I commented.

"WHAT?! Are you serious! She's got a ton of pimples, VERY overweight, and a really, and I mean REALLY bad reputation! She's gonna be a serious, high-end makeover case!" She almost yelled.

" true. But beyond that, she's a really pretty girl," I reasoned "but I think I made up my mind! Never mind about her!"

"Thank GOODNESS!!! I actually thought we were gonna have to make her popular, in a good way." Chloe said, showing relief in her words.

"Yeah, well I still have to get over my fight with Harry, then we can start doing makeovers!" I exclaimed excitedly.

" ok, I don't want to get your hopes down, but we're here!"

"YAY!!!" I said sarcastically.

And there goes the start of a brand new day!

Also known as: another day in hell.

I'm sorry for my language, but you must admit,

I'm dead on right.

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