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Tammin could hear the irritating beat of the music playing loudly through the passenger next to her's phone. He drummed his fingers obnoxiously, failing to match the rhythm. The woman next to her fussed over a small boy, who wriggled in the chair next to her. The young man infront sighed, pushing his glasses further up his nose and muttering as he typed something into his laptop. Still, despite all the noise, Tammin focused on the book in her hands and not the distractions. Lord of the Flies. A good book. One of her favourites. The pages were crinkled and curled, stained with tea (she didn't like coffee), highlighted at various points and had notes scribbled in the crammed sides. The actual novel wasn't the only story. There were so many more from all the times she had lifted up her copy and read. Tammin had shoved it in her suitcase before leaving London, tearing through it's safe enclosure of dust.
She was in the midst of turning a page when an alarm echoed through the cabin. Panic arose as the passengers scrambled for their seatbelts, oxygen mask, and for Tammin, the little packet of complimentary peanuts. She could need food. If she survived this. Looking out of the window, all she could see for miles was clear blue water, rippling from the aeroplane's disruption. She shrugged off her jacket and pulled her grey woolen jumper over her head. She would need to be light. The little boy cried whilst his mother screamed. The young man idiotically clutched his laptop to his chest. The guy next to her repeatedly whacked the window, trying to break free. Tammin clenched her eyes shut, willing the plane to crash quickly. She had to survive.
There will be more characters, but Tammin is the main one.

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