17 1 1

"Diana, the bus will be here at seven to take you to school. Come grab something to eat first."

The day I had been so excited about was knocking on my door, but I just wanted to slam it shut in its face. We moved to Australia a month after my mother and I had that chat in the kitchen; that life changing conversation. She swore she would never touch another drink in her life and she's proven it the last fifty one days. Her attitude towards us changed everyday as result. We bought a small apartment in Sydney close to her new work as a nurse at a great hospital-what she originally studied for- with some of the money we managed to save before we came here.

"I'll be down for breakfast in a minute, mum." I could hear Daisy jumping around on the bed in the room next to mine that she shared with our mother. I tried convincing her that it would be fine if Daisy and I shared a room again, but she insisted on me getting the biggest room to myself. I would be lying if I say I wasn't happy; I had my own bathroom. Plus she said it was only a temporary house until we could afford better.

My heart was beating twice as fast as it should have when I walked over to my closet to start getting ready. I decided to wear my white Green Day tank top and ripped black jeans shorts for my first day of school since it was boiling hot outside. I was too lazy to do anything special with my hair so I let it hang with natural curls over my back to just below my waist and tied a hair tie around my wrist just in case. My black combat boots were already on my feet when I sat down to apply light eyeliner and mascara. My book bag with everything already packed, double checked and triple checked was standing behind the door along with my phone and earphones for the bus ride.

My watch read 6:50 by the time I reached mum and Daisy. They were sitting in the lounge having breakfast. Daisy looked adorably in her pink princess dress and pigtails for her first day of school and mum had her navy nurse's uniform on with plain black trainers for work.

Still slightly too nervous to eat I kissed them both goodbye and walked down to the bus stop on the end of our street. I sat down on the bench next to a few other people who gave me strange looks, which I expected and put my earphones in to drown the butterflies in my stomach with Blink-182. The bus arrived three minutes late, already filled with a lot of people and opened its doors to swallow me whole and take me to hell- I mean school.

I took the first open seat I could find in the front row of the bus and put my head against the window to look at all the passing houses and cars. My music was playing loudly in my ears, almost making me forget the huge knot in my stomach growing bigger the more we stopped to pick people up to take us closer to my new school.

I already had my schedule and locker number neatly folded in the palm of my hand when the bus came to a screeching halt in front of Edgewater High. It was rather large filled with hundreds of people spilled all over the place- all completely different. I left the bus in a hurry to find my locker and my first class of the day almost falling flat on my face in the process.

I walked into the school and all the faces immediately turned to look at me, as if sensing new blood. Some of them were whispering quiet nothings into their friend's ear and others gave me a small welcoming smile. My music was still playing to calm my nerves which probably made me look like an unsociable freak, but in all honesty I didn't care what people thought of me. Not at that moment anyway.

When I finally found the lockers I scanned over the numbers and found mine right next to a guy pinning a girl to the lockers, busy sucking her face off. He had his hands on both sides of her face basically caging her in, while her hands were tangled in his messy brown hair clearly not complaining. I stood a few meters away and glanced around me, but no one else even seemed to notice these two making out next to my locker, making it difficult for me to open it. Five minutes passed and it only seemed to have worsened, so I decided to just walk over to my locker and ask them to move a bit to the side.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2015 ⏰

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