That smirk

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‘AAAAAAAAH’ I screamed running.

‘COME BACK ALEX’ thundered Jusin.

Ok, so I was running for my life down the school hallway. I had filled his locker with confetti and he being the crazy neat freak was simply furious.

People were watching us and laughing. Yeah, they got used to watching the ‘alex and justin drama’ they found it very entertaining as some said.

Usually, it just went like this: me doing something, probably playing a prank or getting into trouble, Justin trying to knock some sense into me by talking, which usually ended up with he chasing me since I’m not much of a listener so I just run when he starts talking.

I sprinted as fast as I could down the hallway and then took a right turn.

‘OUTTA MY WAY PEOPLE’ I moved my arms as if I were swimming. I knocked a lot of people down as I ran.

Not my fault they didn’t take my warning.



I bumped into someone knocking both of us down. I opened my eyes to meet a gorgeous pair of grey eyes. I moved my eyes around the face and realized that this guy was none other than Tyler Kingsley, the school bad boy. Shit!

‘ALEX’ I could here faint cries of Justin. Looks like he was a bit far behind.

My eyes widened. I quickly got off Tyler and scrambled to my feet.

‘Sorry’ I muttered.

He nodded his head and smirked

He opened his mouth to say something.

“ALEX WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU” cried Justin but this time he sounded as if he was near.

My head and Tyler’s head whipped to the side where we heard Justin’s voice. Suddenly Justin came into view. I cursed under my breath, turned to the opposite direction and started running.

All of a sudden, I was on the floor with Justin on top of.

‘I’m a quarterback sis, you didn’t really think you could run away from me’ he smirked.


‘Can’t. Breath. Justin’ I choked out.

The weight over me lightened in an instant. Justin was up and holding his hand out for me. I took his hand and got up.

“You weigh a tone you fatty” I huffed out trying to get my breathing in control.

:It’s all muscles sis, all muscles” he said proudly.

I scoffed and turned to walk away but Justin’s hand shot down to mine and pulled me back, turning me around in the process.

“You didn’t really think I’d forget what happened back there, did you” he said narrowing his eyes.

I smiled back weakly “Well I was hoping for that”

Damn I really wished I had my water balloons with me right now.

BRRRRRR. The bell rang. I sighed out in contentment, saved by the bell.

“oh we’re not done. Wait till I tell dad”

I whipped my head to see his face. He looked at me condescendingly and proud. Oh he was daddy’s boy. His eyes were twinkling with excitement. I bet he was probably thinking of my punishment. Yeah right like dad would punish me for doing something so harmless!

I had to bite my tongue from laughing. This guy was unbelievable for a jock!

“Wait till I tell dad” I mimicked him when he’d walked away. With that I burst out laughing and so did the others who saw me doing an impression of Justin. People who were scurrying their way to their classes shot me weird looks, completely oblivious of the drama that took place.

After I got a hold on myself, I started making my way to my locker. Class had already started so I increased my pace.  On my way there I saw Tyler and his group standing at a distance talking and laughing. While I was walking I had this weird feeling that someone was watching me so I looked around but saw no one in the hall way. I turned my head towards Tyler’s group and met with a familiar pair of grey eyes. Tyler was looking at me with an amused expression, his lips curled a little upward as if he was trying to suppress a smile.

Mt stomach started doing summersaults. Weirded out with the feelings I was starting to feel, I jerked my head forward and continued walking. Quickly, I removed my books from my locker for my next class which was English

‘YOU.GOT.DETENTION’ said a frustrated Justin.

“What’s new Justin” I said in a bored voice. I was always getting detention but the funny part was that whenever I got detention I got a different reaction from Justin every time.

“What did you do this time?” he shouted. Heads turned our way to see what was going on.

“What? Just because some bad things have happened in the past…..maybe because of me…doesn’t mean I did something. I mean…” I said defending myself.

“Ughhh I’d make a terrible lawyer” I groaned throwing my head back.

‘Wow isn’t that just true” said Justin sarcastically.

“Whatever” I threw him a dirty look.

“So what did you do?” he asked again.

“Well the class was really boring and I was in the mood to have some fun. I decided to be an angel and bless the class with some amusement, since everyone was equally bored. So I shouted ‘Mr. Harrison you’re zips open’. God it was soo funny. The way his hands flew to his zip. Hahahahahaaha” I burst out laughing remembering the incident.

“That old man got so pissed, he gave me detention” I finished wiping tears from my eyes.

“Alexx” groaned Justin, rubbing his head with his hand. He always did that when he was frustrated.

“How can you do something like that? What will he think about me now?.....” and his rant started.

BRRRR. The bell ran. Yipee saved by the bell again.

“Look Justin as much as I’d love to stand and chat I gotta go to class” I said patting his shoukder and walking away, not waiting for him to say something.

(In math class)

I took my seat in the last row. Math was really boring but I was good at it. It’s one of my favorite subject. I put my head down on the table as Mr. Stalon started teaching.

Just as I was about to doze off the seat next to me screeched and someone sat on it with a Thump! Then there was a thud as the person next to let his/her bag fall on the ground.

Irritated, I raised my head to see who it was. I came face to face with Tyler Kingsley who was smirking at me. Oh god I know that smirk…….

What did I get myself into now?

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