Chapter 4,

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                                                                                  Four: Mean Woman Blues.

Johnny's fingertips brushing along my cheekbones awoke me. My eyelids fluttered open to be greeted by his dark eyes and handsome tanned face. He still looked pretty beat up but in his eyes I could see something new, but familiar. Something that had never shone there before. Relief? Love? I couldn't quit put a finger on it other than to say it was there. His fingertips moved from my cheekbone and in one swift movement, he tucked a piece of stray caramel colored hair behind my ear. My heart thumped so loud I was sure he could hear it, but I was also sure he wouldn't mention it.

"What time it is?" I asked, trying to shake away the groggy feeling that settled over me.

"About noon." He shrugged, pulling me closer to him.

"Noon?" I echoed.

"Yeah. You looked so peaceful that I couldn't bare to wake you." He blushed, looking down as he spoke.

Sighing softly, I sat upright and ran my fingers through my hair. Johnny kept a tight grip on my shoulders, like he was afraid to let go.

"It's okay..." I whispered, half to myself and half to him. 

Johnny heard my whispering and loosened the death grip he held on me. When I was able to move without having to worry about hurting him, I slid free of his grip and stood up. My shoes were still on but my jacket was draped over the back of the chair I had been sitting in the night before had. Johnny had most likely taken it off me and when a nurse came in, he asked her to move it.

"Are you going home?" He asked, softly. 

"I have too..." I sighed.

"Will you call someone to come get you?" He asked, gingerly, shyly almost.

"Sure, if it makes you feel better, I'll call Two-Bit's and see if he can come and get me." I shrugged, walking back over and taking grip of the phone that sat beside the bed. Dialing the old familiar numbers, I waited patiently for the ringing to end. After a minute, Two-Bit answered the phone. He sounded like he had a buzz but I just as soon take my chances.

"Hey Bit, it's Mel. I'm at the hospital with Johnny and he wants me to catch a ride with someone or something. Think you could swing by and get me?"

I paused and listened. Two-Bit had agreed to come get me and told me to stay put. He wouldn't be long. He had to drop Kathy off and then he'd be over.

"Thanks, man." I dropped the receiver back into it's cradle and looked at Johnny, "Alright?"

Johnny nodded, content with my obedience. I knew that he was right so he felt little to no need to argue with me. I had, after all, made the right choices in his eye.

I plopped down in the chair I had claimed last night and picked at my nails, nervously. I wasn't sure what my next move should be. What was his? Maybe this was all a game of chance, after all. I could never be sure with him. I considered it like I did when I was playing chess with my little sister. I could feel Johnny's big brown eyes boring a hole into the side of my head and I wondered what it was that he was waiting for.

Nervously I shifted in my seat and waited for him to say something... anything that might break the silence. If he started talking, I would feel more likely to. The problem is that we are both horribly shy. But why? I had spent the entire night in his arms. What did I have to be shy about? A lot. That was the only answer that came to mind: a lot. How childish was that?

Yes, that was as childish as they come for kids at our ages. Both of us were sixteen now, we should know how to handle something like this. Why didn't we? I placed my palms flat together and chewed on my lower lip. Johnny blinked and then shook his head, pretending not to notice the nervous aura that settled around me.

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