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((Quick note: Castiel doesn't have his powers and this is just completely random, not really following the storyline of SPN, but I will redo this story to make it fit later. I guess this is sorta an AU?))

The angel was sitting in the bunker, currently huddled on the couch while the storm was relentless outside. He was waiting for the Winchesters to get back from a hunt while being scared out of his mind. The power went out hours ago so all he had for company was the sounds of the wind outside, and the heavy pitter patter of raindrops falling onto the roof. Castiel shook as lighting lit up the dark midnight sky, wishing for the storm to end. Soon after he was lost in his thoughts the door quickly opened then slammed shut. This forced him from his thoughts, turning on the couch to come face-to-face with two dripping wet brothers. Until Dean stormed off to the kitchen saying something about 'needing a beer'. This led to the younger standing freezing, before Castiel got up but quickly fell as thunder boomed, startling the angel. Sam just shook his head as he picked a fussing Cas up ("Sam no your wet and cold!") And carried him to their shared room. Dean made them sleep in the same room even before they got together so Castiel didn't have to sleep on that old couch. Not that either of them minded.

When they got to their room Sam threw Cas onto the bed, making him bounce a little before he stripped the wet shirt off and threw it into the corner somewhere.
He then stripped down before throwing a loose pair of pajama bottoms on before getting into bed and pulling his lover close to his chest. They both were under the covers, Sam holding one arm around Castiel, close to himself. "Alright princess, since you were complaining that I was cold and wet, is this better?" The blonde held no real meaning behind his words besides playful, causing Castiel to smile and punch him lightly on the chest. "Oh shut up..I do like this though, so don't you dare move.."
Castiel snuggled into his lover more as Sam turned onto his side to face Castiel. "Well what if I'm thirsty?"
"Nope. Your not leaving this bed Sammy." Castiel draped an arm over the other male and looked up with innocent eyes, a satisfied smirk on his face.
"Well you might have to stop me Cassy~"
Castiel just laughed, draping one of his legs across Sam's.
"There. Now you can't move!"
Castiel was so focused on Sam and his little game that he wasn't paying attention to the storm, and Sam was happy about that.
"Alright angel, get some sleep." He started playing with the blue eyed male's hair as he buried his face into the crook of Sam's neck, slowly drifting into sleep. 

(I know he doesn't need sleep, just bear with me here okay?)

The next morning all three of them were going on a hunt (since the storm finally stopped).
Sam and Dean were already up, packing the usual things as Castiel was just getting up. Cas quickly got dressed into his white shirt and Tie, slipping on his trench coat also. Before leaving the room, he grabbed his gun and put it in his pocket (never know what could happen on a hunt) before heading out to meet the brothers.
They were all laughing on their way in the Impala, pulling into the lot finally. "So..What's up here?"
Castiel asked from the backseat as they all stepped out.
Dean glanced over his shoulder and responded. "Well, Lucifer might be here.."
Castiel suddenly grew worried, knowing with what has happened to Sam in the past.
He didn't want anything to happen today...No..Nothing will happen. Nothing.
Castiel watched as Lucifer stabbed his lover in the gut and jerked the blade to where it came through his side. Sam didn't register what happened; it all happened in a blur. Lucifer grinned as Sam looked down to where the gaping wound was, placing a hand over it as blood starting trailing out the side of his mouth. Dean was suddenly chasing after Lucifer, wanting to beat him then brutally fucking murder him for harming his baby brother. Sam looked over to Castiel and reached one arm out to him before falling to the ground. "S-Sam no!" Castiel rushed to his side, lifting his upper body off the ground and holding his head up, as blood was starting to flow badly from his mouth. "C-Castiel...M-my beautiful..B-beautiful angel..." Before he continued, Sam reached up and brushed some hair from Castiel's face from a habit. "You k-know...This is t-the end for me...r-right? But..Just r-remember, I'll a-always love you a-and w-watch over you...G-god I love y-you C-Castiel..." Sam smiled up at him through the pain as tears fell, mixing with the blood.
"Sam no, please no! Y-your not going to die...I won't let you! I-I love you too much to lose you!"
Castiel was yelling as he started crying and holding one hand over Sam's wound, Sam speaking as Cas was begging Sam not to leave him. in as Cas "H-Hey...Don't cry L-love...I promise, I-I'll see you again soon...I don't w-want you to be s-sad, w-we'll be together soon..."
Castiel shook his head and kissed Sam for the last time to make him stop saying that he was going to die, Castiel wouldn't let him.
Castiel soon pulled away and Sam spoke just once more. "C-Cas..Tiel....I-I'm so sorry...."
Sam slowly went limp in Castiel's arms, his eyes closing in the process.
"No...n-no...SAM?! SAM PLEASE WAKE UP!! NO!!"
Dean heard Castiel yelling and ran over, seeing a crying Cas holding his limp brother...
I knew it was storming again, but my lover wasn't here to comfort me this time..He never would be again. I winced when the thunder struck, but I forced myself to get out of bed. I looked to Sam's side, tears welling in my eyes before I had gotten dressed in my usual attire. Dean was already asleep, it was around midnight anyway. I know I could always go to him if I'm scared...But not this time.
I put on my trench coat and took a shaky breath before silently moving my way out of the bunker, going for a walk to Sam and I's favorite spot..Beneath a beautiful willow tree that was surrounded by flowers. It was a way from the bunker, but it was worth the walk. The rain was pelting down and felt like needles pricking my skin. That's the only thing that brought me to reality, it was also freezing outside.
I slowly walked up to the willow tree, singing our song under my breath. Sam and I always danced to this song...He said it reminded him of me...Since I would always be his little angel. "Coming from the lips of an angel, hearing those words it makes me weak..." I couldn't continue singing..It brought back too many memories.....I remember what happened about eight months ago in this exact spot.
Sam insisted on taking me here, he said it was a beautiful day. The sun was shining bright and there were hardly any clouds in the sky. I agreed, of course, and followed him here. We brought a radio and a picnic basket..We spent the whole day here. We played our song, Lips of An Angel, and danced until we were tripping over our own feet and laughing, falling onto the ground. We laid there for a while, hand in hand, just gazing at the sky. He then took me by surprise by getting up and pulling me to my feet. I must've given him a questioning look, as he simply smiled at me. We stood in silence for what seemed like ages until he pulled out a small black box from his pocket, and got down on one knee. "Castiel..You make me the happiest man alive. Everytime we kiss I'm feeling weak in my knees and I get butterflies, everytime I get to hold you I know how lucky I am to have you in my life. When I'm with you, I feel as though the world just stops..And it's only me and you. For the two years we have been together, I've felt nothing but just sheer happiness with you even in the darkest of times..I could go on forever about you..Castiel, Will make me the happiest, luckiest man alive, and marry me?" I felt as though the world stopped. I gasped as tears filled my eyes, I couldn't get any words out so I simply shook my head yes. I knew I was grinning like an idiot, But so was Sam when he put the ring onto my finger before kissing me. But all that is just a reminiscence of the past now...We were only married for two months, then that bastard took him away from me...Tears were falling as I looked up at the sky, reaching into my pocket and pulling out my gun that was still there from fighting Lucifer, six months ago. I just...Stopped wearing my trench coat after that day.. "Sam..Why did you leave me? You said you never would....I'm sorry I couldn't protect you...SAM I-IM SO SORRY!!.....please Sam, come back...PLEASE!!" I knew my yelling was worthless..He was never coming back. I cocked the gun and looked at the tree once more. "I'm...I'm sorry to leave you alone Dean..I truly am..But I can't do this anymore. I'll always watch over you.."
Memories of Sam and I flashed through my mind as I raised the gun to my head, shaking so badly I barely held the gun straight. "Sam....I'm so happy I get to see you again.." With that, I pulled the trigger.

"My beautiful angel...What are you doing here? Your supposed to live a full life...I love you Castiel, it feels great to have you in my arms again."
White fluffy wings surrounded Castiel as Sam pulled the angel close to his chest. The other's own black wings folded in as he hugged Sam tightly, burying his face into the crook of his neck.
"I-I'm sorry....I just couldn't live without you...I love you so much, my angel..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2016 ⏰

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