The Life of Donk chapters 2-4

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The man threw me into the van. It turned out that the monkey was his best friend. 'What a sad man' I thought.

I sneezed. The Tesco van perished into flames. Four hundred kilograms of horses and horsemeat fell into my face. "So that's what they keep in these vans!" I yelled- a bit too loudly!

The monkey stirred at me. I much didn't like it. I ran.

So here I am: A 30cm tall Donkey galloping down Downing Street. Until I noticed the stupid prime minister getting beaten up by Ed Miliband. I stirred at them. I never knew David Cameron was so ugly.

I ran round in circles. HERE COME 20 MILLION HORSES (About 2) Mr Eggman was behind me, gradually picking up speed. I hate that stupid monkey. He keeps making weird noises.

Oh. Turns out it's 'Eggfuce' not Eggman. I faint. The awful Eggfuce with an Eggy burp that knocks me unconcious.


How I got back to my hometown, I will never know. I looked up to see a boy who was about 11. I know, that was a great guess! Well, not exactly, because he was wearing an 11th Birthday badge. Then the boy told me his name was Jacob. I already knew him! I told him all about the horsemeat and David Cameron being stupid. He replied "Why would you want to be a police officer?"

I was thinking 'WHAT??!' but then he pointed forward. There was the Eggfuce. A grubby fat man with a disgraceful dirty T Shirt and a stupid awful monkey on his shoulder, making those irritating noises again, that sounded like a mouse in a microwave. Then I flew at the Eggfuce. He caught me and put me down his shirt.


My pen burnt to cinders because of the dreadful stench. (I had to buy this new one a week later)

Anyway, what happened was that the Eggfuce had been tripped up by the monkey, who was still squealing. It smelt like I was in a room of mouth watering sweets being away from Eggfuce and the monkey.

But it turns out I'm here, Jacob is laughing at me. Right, that's it. He won't stop, so I will kill him. I run at him. Jacob gripped me with strength. I threw myself in the air, and he fell to the ground. He insulted me rudely by saying I was a very nice donkey. I climbed onto his top and bit into his heart. It tasted good. I screamed "YOU ATE MY BROTHER TONY ON A BURGER FROM TESCO! Well it might not have been him, but you still need to die a slow painful death!!"

At that point, I watched him fall to the ground with a loud thump. There's not much more I need to tell you except that he died.


I bet when you saw the name of this chapter you were all excited! See- now you are giggling. Well, let me say, you will enjoy this chapter.


Thanks for reading chapters 2-4 Chapter 5 actually has Donkette in! Chapters 5-9 (Final chapter) will be uploaded very soon. The chapters are called:

•Chapter 5- Donkette (actual chapter)

• Chapter 6- XBOX

•Chapter 7- Back to jail

•Chapter 8- The great escape

•Chapter 9- The late great Eggfuce encounter

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2013 ⏰

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The Life of Donk chapters 2-4Where stories live. Discover now