Chapter 5

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Kirstie's pov

I didn't respond to the last text Jeremy sent. It got me worried. I decided maybe I should just ignore it.

"How'd it go?" He asked me.

"He said I would regret it, but I'm not going to let it bother me" I said trying to be positive.

He smiled back At me and went to the front of the bus. I went back into my bunk and went on my phone to
Check Twitter.

@Kirstin_Taylor: so Scirstie may be real 😉❤️

In seconds my phone was blowing up with tweets majority sweet and kind but there's always going to be those few people who are just rude. I try to always ignore them and not let them get to me.

Our fans are the best.

I looked down to see a text from Scott.

S- me and Mitch are going to Starbucks. Do you want to come?

K- yep I'll be there in a sec.

I got ready real quick and we got in the car. Scott drove, I was in the passenger, and Mitch was in the backs. We jammed out to Beyoncé. We got there and Scott came over to my side and opened my door for me.

"What a gentleman." I told him smiling

"Anything for my lady." He says taking my hand.

We went in there and ordered our drinks.

They gave the drinks to us and looked at the names. They said Scote, Curtin, and Mich.

Scott snapped a pic and put it on Instagram (a/n THAT PIC IS FROM SCOTTS INSTA IT TOOK ME A HALF HOUR TO FIND OK)

We got back to the bus and Mitch and Scott were outside doing something so I went inside I saw someone I didn't expect to see


Hey guys!
Sorry for not updating yesterday, i was at a party.
And sorry this is short:/
Cliffhanger! Don't hate me

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