Chapter 25

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*let's celebrate the fact that I'm 1/4 of the way to 100 chapters and tbh I'm gonna get to 100 cause Tommy's Ass Obsessed Babe and Dumb Dumb are gonna make me keep writing this*

"I wanna do something different tonight" I tell Tommy. The band doesn't have a show tonight so we were lying in bed watching random T.V. shows. He glances over at me "Like... A new position? Like right now?" I laugh hysterically at the fact that he assumed sex. While I'm laughing he continues his rambling "Cause I don't know babe we had sex like an hour ago and you know I need a couple hours between or it's gonna suck if you know what I mean-" I cut him off "Tommy" I can't stop laughing "I wasn't talking about sex!" He looks surprised. "I meant we should go OUT and do something different!" I tell him barely able to breath from laughing so hard. "Oh well can we have sex when we get back?" He asks. I scream and throw a pillow at him. He shrugs "I'll take that as a yes." When I'm able to talk again I get up and call the hotel's front desk "Hi can you direct me to Steven Adler's room please?" Tommy looks confused I just shake my head "I'll explain later" I whisper, covering the phone with one hand. "Hello?" A girl's voice answers. "Hey Kat it's Jan!" I say. "Oh hey, what's up?" She asks. "Well was thinking that you, Steven, Tommy and myself should go it and do something tonight! Just meet us outside at 7pm!" I say and hang up. I quickly dial Rachel's numb and Jett is the one to pick up the phone. "Jett hey, it's Jan can you and Rachel hang out tonight?" I ask her. "Yeah but, his car got wrecked so we can't go anywhere." She answers sadly. "Not a problem, I'll be here at 8pm with some friends okay?" I ask her I hear some talking in the background and catch her saying "No babe you need to put on pants we're having friends over!" Before she finally agrees to meet us. "Tommy Lee put on a shirt, we're going out!" I tell him excitedly. He groans and rolls out of bed. I pass him a shirt and he pulls it on while grumbling about wanting food. I grab a random black shirt and a pair of jeans and yank them on before heading out the door with Tommy trailing behind.

     "Hi!" I yell when I see Steven and Kat waiting outside the front doors. Tommy nods while still looking slightly pissed. "So we're gonna go to Jett and Rachel's house and the only condition is that none of you take any drugs now or while you're there aside from smoking pot because Jett will flip her shit" I tell them quickly as we walk down the street towards the liquor store. Kat gets an idea as we walk through the doors "Everyone find one bottle of something super strong and slightly weird and we'll bring that over" I nod in agreement and walk up and down the aisles until I find some sort of British beer thing "White beer and lemonade?" I mutter to myself. Only 4% alcohol, never mind. I continue searching. Tommy finds some sort of cross between wine and champagne, Kat finds honey flavoured Jack Daniels, I find coconut infused rum from the Bahamas and Steven shows up smiling with Canadian Whiskey which according to him was weird because in his words "I thought Canadians lived in igloos I didn't know they had alcohol" so we let him buy it. We hailed a taxi and I remembered seeing Rachel's address in the phone book and we drove to an underground train station and took one of the train things to his neighbourhood.

     Jett opens the door and before I can say anything she starts hugging me "Oh my god I missed you so much! She looks like she's going to cry and then she sees Tommy standing behind me and almost knocks him over hugging him, I often forget that she used to live in the same house as him and Nikki and had known him for years. After she's finished with her burst of affection she finally introduces herself to everyone else.

We all file into the small apartment and Rachel wanders out of a room near the small kitchen. I hear a slight intake of breath from Kat who had obviously never seen Rachel before. I won't lie he is attractive and I can understand her surprise. He introduces himself to everyone and I start explaining my idea. "So we all brought what we classified as 'weird' alcohol" I say setting the 4 large bottles on the living room coffee table. "And I think we should be immature for the night and play dirty truth or dare and if you chicken out on a dare you have to take a shot of the 3 strongest bottles while still drinking this weird wine champagne stuff that a Tommy found" I say. None of us can deny that it will actually be fun. "Okay but, I think we should all take 2 shots right now just to get this started" Rachel suggests. I agree and Jett grabs some shot glasses and normal cups. We each pour a shot of Canadian whiskey first and it wasn't really all that amazing, just normal whiskey. Next comes the honey flavoured Jack. "This stuff is gross!" Tommy, who has a talent for downing endless shots of Jack Daniels, says disgustedly. Kat, Jett and myself are already buzzed being smaller than all the guys who aren't even affected by 2 shots. I pass around cups of the wine and Tommy offers to start the game. "I dare Rachel to spend the rest of this night with his hand inside Jett's bra" he smiles devilishly at her. Rachel shrugs and doesn't bother to ask for her approval because she takes his hand and puts it down her shirt herself. Me and Kat burst into laughter when she does this. Now it's Rachel's turn. His eyes land on me "Jan, what is your favourite position?" He asks. I giggle and take a sip of my drink before answering "Hmm I've gotta say I like having his face buried between my legs" Rachel whistles at this and Tommy high fives Steven. I turn to Kat now who seems to have downed her entire drink and is sitting drunkenly on Steven's lap, he keeps pushing her hand away as she tries to sneak it towards his crotch. "Kat, what is the weirdest thing you've ever done with Steven?" She contemplates it "Sadly that has an awfully G rated answer" she says sadly "I made him shave my legs for me once" Steven rolls his eyes at her answer. She was right that was pretty boring. She rubs her hands together and looks at Tommy who hasn't received a dare yet "Tommy I dare you and Jan to go fuck out in the hallway." Tommy looks nervously at me I widen my eyes, I'm totally not drunk enough for this. "Babiessss" she chides us and we both take 2 more shots. "Steven since your girlfriend is oh so brave, I dare the 2 of you to go find the nearest window and open it. Then have sex right in front of it." Tommy tells him. Kat jumps up and Jett slurs "Our bedroom has a window I don't wanna see y'all fucking in here" Rachel looks down at her, she's lying with her head on his lap and he's stroking her hair "You just said our room." She sits up suddenly "Oh baby I'm sorry I didn't-" he puts his hand over her mouth "No, I've been meaning to ask you to move in with me I just didn't know if you uh wanted to yet" she relaxes a bit and nods before answering "Of course I wanna move in with you!" He kisses her me she returns to lying on his lap with her feet hanging over the edge of the couch. I hear Kat squeal in the other room and in a minute her and Stevn are running back into the room giggling like idiots "Some group of kids in the park saw us" she says laughing. Steven whispers something in her ear and she slaps him before pushing him onto the couch and sitting on his lap. "Okay Jett" Steven says, Jett sits up swaying slightly, she can barely hold her alcohol "What was the worst lay you ever had?" She takes a minute to decide "I'd have to say um in high school when I lost my virginity to some guy who's name I don't remember. He was the only guy who hasn't been good enough to make me cum" She says laughing at the memory. We all exchange weird glances at her answer. She pours herself another cup of wine and I wince, knowing she'll pass out soon. "Jan." She says looking at me over the rim of her cup. "Go let Tommy eat you out and be as loud as you can" she laughs at her evil dare. I glance at Tommy, feeling beaver than last time. Since he wouldn't be the one embarrassing himself he agrees. I stand up and walk towards Jett's room. I leave the door open and yank off my pants and underwear. Tommy rolls his eyes but, I can tell that this doesn't bother him. I spread my legs out and he puts his face between them. I moan as loud as I can and he starts to lick "Tommy oh my god faster" I tell him. He speeds up and I continue moaning his name. "Babe I'm gonna cum" I say as I feel pleasure building in my stomach. I scream as I experience the best orgasm of my life. Panting I sit up and pull my pants back on. "Holy shit that was actually amazing" I tell him, out of breath. He smirks and leads me back to the living room where Kat is now straddling Steven's lap and kissing him deeply. "You really can make a girl scream Tommy Lee" Jett laughs. She reaches towards the table and grabs the Jacks and takes a sip straight from the bottle. Tommy looks at her nervously and pries the bottle from her hands. "Alrighty, group dare for the guys" I say knowing that it won't be long before everyone is out cold at the rate Kat, Steven, Jett and Rachel are going. "All of you go into another room and see who has the biggest dick." They all shrug. Tommy picks me up off his lap and puts me down onto the couch and Steven struggles to unwrap himself from Kat. They all trail drunkenly into Rachel's room.

While I wait for them I eye the bottle of coconut rum. We'd forgotten to open it. I pick it up "Girls?" I ask. Kat and Jett both nod and I pour us each a shot. We intertwine our arms so that none of us can back out. Kat counts down from 3 and we all down them. We collapse laughing at how gross it tastes. The guys wander back in and see us all piled on the floor laughing. "The results are" Tommy starts and we all sit up expectantly "In first place myself" he says with a smirk and I cheer. "In second place, is Mr. Adler!" Tommy yells and Kat squeals happily. "And last place is nose chain guy over here" Tommy says pointing at Rachel. Jett stands up and clinging to his broad shoulders she whispers something to him and they start kissing passionately. "I think I'm gonna throw up" Kat says suddenly. Rachel pushes Jett away to say "Bathroom's across from my room." She gets up and Steven follows her. Jett looks up at Rachel and pushes herself off of him and stumbles to the kitchen sink and throws up violently as well. I gag a bit. Rachel walks over and hands her a towel. "You guys can sleep on the couches and there's an extra mattress under my bed that I'll grab for you" he says as he takes Jett over to their room. There's some talking and then Rachel stumbles back into the living room. "Kat wants to sleep in the bathtub apparently and Steven won't leave her" He says slurring his words together yanking up couch cushions to bring to the bathroom. Tommy walks down the hallway to Rachel's room, Jett is curled up on her side fast asleep near the edge of the bed. I watch as Tommy gets the mattress from under the bed and some blankets as well. He was barely drunk compared to the rest of us and was functioning normally. I follow him back to the living room "Night" Rachel says before he shuts his door. I barely make it to the mattress Tommy put on the floor before everything goes black.

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