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Selena- eating her fro yo)
Perrie- he seriously wrote a song in like 2-3 hours and performed it
Selena- yeah!! And the song was really good.. I just (shrugs) you know.. The thing is I didn't want the break it totally slipped from my mouth and then he freaked out saying break up break up and I was like no it's a break there is a difference.... Right?
Taylor- shrugs) I think so
Perrie- I don't know I think you guys just need to talk it out.. I mean you guys are the cutest couple
Selena- smiles softly) thanks!! I agree we do need to talk but (shrugs) we will eventually
Perrie- smiles then looks at Taylor-)
Taylor- nods)
Selena- what are you guys doing?
Perrie- it's time to go (stands up)
Selena- but I'm not done with my yogurt
Taylor- yes you are (grabs her bowl and throws it away)
Selena- hey!
Taylor- calm down you only had 2 bites left
They stand up and walk to Taylor's car
Selena- 2 bites that I would have enjoyed
Perrie- calm down sel
Selena- I just want my 2 bites of yogurt
Taylor- next time we come it will be on me
Selena- .... Fine... Just unlock the car it's starting to rain
Taylor- unlocks her car)
They get in and Taylor drives off)
Selena- I don't understand why we rushed out of there
Perrie- we didn't
Selena- yeah we kinda did
Perrie- I didn't notice
Selena- you guys are actually totally weird
Taylor- Shrugs) just tired
Selena- whatever you say (leans back)
Taylor drives for a bit then stops)
Selena- looks out the window) why are we here?
Taylor- because you guys need to talk
Selena- you want me to go talk to justin
Perrie- yeah
Selena- seriously no that's so weird
Taylor- you even said so yourself
Selena- I can't believe you guys are doing this
Taylor- we will stay here the whole time
Selena- fine (gets out and walks to the door)
Taylor- drives off)
Selena- looks back and sees then gone) seriously (turns back around and knocks on the door)
Pattie- opens the door) oh hey Selena!
Selena- hey is Justin here?
Pattie- he's no he left a couple hours ago
Selena- oh okay! Just let him know I stopped by
Pattie- okay!!
Selena- bye
Pattie- bye sweetie
Selena- smiles and turns around as the rain gets worse)
Pattie- shuts the door)
Justin- drives up and parks in his driveway)
Selena- freezes
Justin- gets out and leans against his car) what are you doing here
Selena- well it's nice to see you too...
Justin- sighs) sorry!
Selena- I wanted to talk
Justin- about what
Selena- (walks closer) us
Justin- I thought we are on break
Selena- looks down) I see you don't want to talk...
Justin- just looks at her)
Selena- sighs and starts walking away)
Justin- grabs her arm and pulls her back)
Selena- looks at him)
Justin- get in the car it's starting to rain worse
Selena- gets in the passenger seat
Justin- why didn't you drive (gets in)
Selena- Taylor dropped me off
Justin- nods)
Selena- sighs) I just wanted to talk about what I said about the break... And I don't want to break up Justin or take a break I think both are not in my plan it just came out and I totally didn't mean it. I love you justin so much. I didn't mean to say take a break. I promise. I was just mad I guess and to be honest I don't even know why because it's not my business to be mad. I'm sorry and I don't want to be on a break.
Justin- looks at her) really.
Selena- yeah!! I mean sometimes I will get mad but I don't want to go on break just give me some time to cool down
Justin- nods) okay!
Selena- you forgive me
Justin- well I can't stay mad at you.. You are too cute
Selena- blushes)
Justin- smiles) I'll drive you home
Selena- thanks
Justin- backs out of the driveway and starts towards Selena's house)
Selena- looks out the window)
Justin- what are you thinking about
Selena- shrugs) nothing...
Justin- stops at a red light) I can tell you are thinking of something
Selena- your song
Justin- oh...
Selena- it was good
Justin- starts driving again) I'm sorry I was mad
Selena- justin I really did think it was good
Justin- thanks..
Selena- nods)
Justin- stops at her house)
Selena- thanks for the ride
Justin- no problem
Selena- leans over and hugs him)
Justin- hugs back) i love you
Selena- I love you too!
Justin- kisses her)
Selena- kisses back then pulls away) I'll see you later
Justin- nods) bye babe
Selena- bye (gets out and goes inside)

The next day

Selena- walks into school)
Justin- sees her and walks up) sup gorgeous
Selena- smiles) hey
Justin- hugs her)
Selena- hugs back)
Justin- lets go and turns around and starts walking with her) so I found out the punks name
Selena- what punk?
Justin- the one I got in a fight with
Selena- oh... What is it
Justin- zedd
Selena- nods)
Ryan- walks up) hey guys
Justin- sup dude
ryan- shrugs)
Selena- what's wrong with you?
Ryan- in freaking exhausted I didn't sleep until 4 this morning
Selena- why?
Ryan- because of reasons
Selena- okay!?!
Justin- everything okay?
Ryan- yeah it's fine... don't worry about it
Justin- okay!
Selena- hey there's your new friend
Justin- looks up and clenches his fist) zedd
Zedd- smirks and walks up) what's up bieber
Justin- rolls his eyes) what do you want
Zedd- your girl... She's hot
Justin- pushes Selena behind him) too bad she's taken
Zedd- not for long (walks off)
Justin- I hate that guy
Selena- makes a face) hot?
Justin- what?
Selena- girls don't like being called hot... Well most girls
Justin- well he's a douche
Selena- sighs and hugs justin) calm down.. I'm all yours
Justin- hugs back) good!! I'd kill him if he had you
Selena- giggles and let's go of him and let's her arms drop to her sides)

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