Meeting the gems.

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Steven was searching for quarters on the beach, like he usually does every morning. But he noticed something.. A green pod? He carefully walked over to it and peeked inside... A gem? It was (gem color) as well! And it was very pretty. He assumed he should just show it to the crystal gems. He walked inside.
"Pearl? Garnet? Amethyst? You'll never believe what I just found!"

"Steven, there's no need to shout we are right in front of y-" said Pearl.
Amethyst interrupted- "Hey stee-man watcha got there?" (Ack sorry if she's out of character •-•)
"Guys, guys, look!"
Steven pointed to the small/large (insert Gem type) gem.
"I found it in a green pod! It kinda looked like something peridot would have!"
"Wha- but it looks like a (insert gem type).. Definitely not a peridot!" (Uh if you're using a peridot just pretend she didn't say that aha :/) said Pearl.
~~time skip to after gems investigate~~
"Hm, when this gem regenerates, we are go be have to keep in inside and be supervised by one of us at all times." Said garnet.
"Good idea, we can't let that gem come to re-activate the kindergarten and hurt Steven or any other humans." Pearl said.
Amethyst: ...
~~ skipping to your regeneration~~
You landed on a... Table? You seem to be standing in a home..? But didn't you land on a beach?! Oh great, did some one find you and keep you as their pet rock or something? You turned around and heard
You saw three gems, and a small, adorable chubby child with curly hair- A tall one with a square shaped Afro.
A small one with long light purple hair,
And a.. Pretty one? She almost looked.. Familiar? YouBut where could you have met this gem? She certainly didn't look like the other gems on the ship.
They were charged at you.
Except for the pretty one. She just looked at you in awe-
"PEARL!" The one with the Afro hair shouted
"Wha-huh? Oh yes- sorry."
Then she charged at you as well.
"Look, I do not understand why you are so angry at me, I don't even know you guys."
"You don't understand why?? You work for Yellow diamond! We are enemies!" The small one shouted.
"YELLOW DIAMOND? Hah, you think I work for her!? C'mon, do I look like that much of a loser to work for someone like that?"
"Stop faking, we know you're lying" said the one with the Afro.
"You know, maybe we could give her a chance? We were planning to keep her inside? Let's just go with that? Meanwhile I'll get to know her?" Said the pretty one.
"Yeah! We haven't even introduced ourselves yet!" Said the human child.

ΞPearl x (Gem) readerΞHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin