Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I do not own the PPGZ or the RRBZ, I only own Sandy/Black and Bliss. ENJOY!

Sandy/Blacks P.O.V

Hi my name is Sandy or as Night Black. Yea I'm a PPGZ and also Kaoru Mastabura or also known as Powered Buttercup the green PPGZ cousin. I have long hair just like Momoko or Hyper Blossom the red PPGZ, I am half tomboy like my cousin, I love sports but very different from Kaoru, I love Basketball, Swimming, Net ball, Throw ball, rollerblading, wrestling, kung-fu and karate. But I am also half girly girl like Miyako/Rolling Bubbles the blue PPGZ. You might be wondering how I became a PPGZ well it is sort of like this.


I was walking in the park it is my favorite place to go mostly the hidden waterfall in the forest. As I was walking by I saw a kid playing with a dream catcher and also with the animals of the night and a ray of white and black lights, so jumped in front of the boy to protect him and when I opened my eyes I saw that my light brown eyes were black and my light brown hair was also black and were in to long pony tails my dress was Black and White just like the PPGZ's one, I had a staff in my hand with a dream catcher in the top. They boy then yelled "YOU'RE A PPGZ!!!" he said and smiled very brightly. "The PPGZ you mean the one that save the day?" I asked the boy, he nodded and his mom called him and he skipped away. I manage to find out how to change back and went home. When I reached home Kaoru opened the door and asked where I got this belt from. "I got hit by this light ray and transformed into someone called night Black" I said, then she grabbed my hand and quickly told me to wear my skates and go. I did as she told and quickly skated of with her she took me to this lab. When we went in Momoko and Miyako were also there strange was what I thought. Then this dude came in wearing a lab coat with black hair and blue eyes, then a small boy came from behind him and look just like the man maybe he is his son and then something shocked me a robotic dog which was talking. Then the man took me to this room and also brought his dog and he sniffed me and said, "Professor I smell white and also black z rays" he said and then the professor guy grabbed this machine and examined me and then called the girls in, "Girl Sandy was also hit with white Z rays and also Black Z rays, so she is the Black PPGZ but also half demon but her demon side is not evil but pure white" said the professor then the girls came up to me and said "Welcome to the team" I gave them a confused face then they showed me belts around their waist which were pink, blue and green then they transformed into the PPGZ. Then the professor said "Now you aren't just an ordinary girl anymore you have super powers now and from now on you will protect the city with the girls" I nodded and then transformed "NIGHT BLACK!!!!! I would love to help" I said then the girls hugged me.

Flashback over

So that's my story, now our transformation has changed we no longer have skirts, ( check here for the dress because I cannot describe it very well , just ignore bunnys pic and just take the jackets also has pink, green and blue ok) .since then we have fought many villains but there are one group of villains I hate the most that are the RowdyRuff Boys Z and mostly my counterpart Bliss.

Bliss's P.O.V

Yo Bliss is in the house! So I am the black rowdyruff, also Butch's cousin. You must be wondering that why I am not a brother, well it is something like this


My cousins were stealing candy from the candy shop when they heard "Stop right there RowdyRuffs Boys!!!!", they turned around and saw their counterparts, "Well well well isn't it he PPGZ and who is this in the black?" said/asked Brick. "The names Black" my counterpart said, "Come on a new puff!?" Butch yelled "Come let's go already me and Black have to go and try out the new skate rink" Buttercup said, "Do you mind if I take this one" Black said. "Sure" all the girls said with a smirk. "Nightmare Attack!" she yelled and waved her dream catcher wand and suddenly my cousin and his brothers nightmare came infront of them, "GOD NO IT'S PRINCESS MORBITCH!!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!" my cousin and his brothers yelled and ran away.

So they run to Mama's/Mojo's house, "Monkey" Brick yelled, "What happened my boys?" Mama asked, "What happened is that the PPGZ have a new member" Butch said, "and we need you to make a new ruff" Boomer said. "Ok Mojo will get all the things we need Mojo" Mama said. At night Mojo sneaked inside the lab and stole some chemical Z and found a black color training band and come back to his house. "Took you long" Brick said, "Well this stuff is very heavy Mojo" Mama said. Them he put all the stuff in the machine and started it and like last time it exploded and I was standing there with a smirk on my face, "yes it worked again but the results say that he is only related to Butch which means he is Butch's cousin, I think I will call you wack Mojo" Mojo said, "WTFH what type of name is that and I can come up with my own name thank you very much. The names Bliss" I yelled/said. Brick came toward me with a smirk on his face and hold out his hand, I looked at it then raised a brow, "Welcome to the Rowdy Ruff Boys Bliss" Brick said, I smirked and shook his hand "Glad to be a part of it" I said and we all started to laugh.

Flashback over

Well this is my story but we no longer want to be bad we want to be on the good side so tomorrow we are going to the professors lab to talk to him and tell him that we want to be good and there is also a there reason we want to be good it is because we want to be with the puffs. Yes we have feeling for the puffs and we will earn their trust and make them ours. See you tomorrow Black.

So what do you think!? Well this is my 3rd book that I am making, so please go and check my a there 2 books. The reason I am making this book is that I am getting all these ideas for this book and I said ok but I have to finish at least one of my books so I can right this one but I couldn't stop my self, like I am getting these idea for this book for 3 weeks! So I hope you liked it and tell me what you think and I will be updating every Friday, Saturday or Sunday.

BYE!!! <peace>e

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