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Well! so let me do it in a very simple way. JayeshParekh has tagged me to blabber things about me, not many here know. So, here it goes.... The tale of a self acclaimed poetess... :P


Sneha Pandey


I am a girl. I won't tell you that!!!!


Manyyyy.... But Thanks to shalufar  and Debanjana, It  is  'Nerolac' here.


All kinds! Literally


I can't name one! But I love J. R. R Tolkein, George R. R. Martin (Seriously whats with the R.R), P.B Shelley, Shakespeare, Charlotte Bronte and so many others


I am a software engineer. But I write also. So I am a mix of science and creativity..

I am a dancer and an Image consultant( Soft skills and Fashion consultant ).

I am a virgo!

I am a full 100% extrovert on the MBTI indicator!!!!

I love pastaaaa.... Yumm! 

I have a lot of crushes... Like insane amount... Even when I already am in love. :P

I genuinely care for people.

I like to motivate people.

I love colours.

I love dressing! :P

I am an avid movie watcher. 

I watch so many Series... Amongst which Game of Thrones is my favourite....

AArgh! It is so uninteresting.... 

 Thanks for reading.... Whoever could.... BBye! Love you! <3

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