Project Daddy: One

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This is my interview with _Calums_Bae_ 9/6/15
Do you have a favorite 5SOS fanfic?
Most of the Fanfics I read are about Harry (idk how it happens) but one of 5SOS Fanfics I read and really enjoy was 24 Hours. That was really good.

Is there a Author that you want to write like?
I would love to write like @inthepants ( cabin 3 & Satans return) Her writing style is so relaxed and funny and idk, I just really admire her.

Who is your favorite character from your book?
It would have to be Michael. He is so caring and funny.

Is there any personal traits that you share with with any of you characters?
I share a lot of traits with Pandora mostly. I don't know if it's because I based her off myself or if somehow pieces of just got mixed with her, but I am very shy and self conscious like her. I am very unpopular and bad at standing up for myself. I also share her love for The Great Gatsby. I am hella moans and jealous like Evie though.

How would you describe Ashton in three words?
Hot headed, jealous, confusing

Pandora in three words?
Shy, awkward, polite

What would you say to anyone who is a new writer?
Write whatever comes to your head and don't plan to much, this way it won't be to predictable. Also, make sure you think about the characters before you write. Know their personalities to be like, and make sure if you make them have a certain condition (e.g alcoholism, bipolar) you research and make sure you know exactly what your talking about. Also, always remember to spell check!! People can turn nasty if you put the wrong ' you're'.
How does it feel having so many reads?
It feels surreal. I don't know what I done to deserve all this love and support, but it's amazing and I am so grateful.
How did you get this story idea?
I had been thinking about making a Ashton fanfic for a while ( cause there wasn't that many at the time) and it was the whole daddy kink thing was really popular. I didn't want to make stereotypical though, so I was thinking and thinking and then suddenly ( while I was making dinner) it just came to me.
I recommend you read you read her wonderful book it's 5SOS so if you love 5SOS this is a great book.
Xoxo, Gabrielle

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