Life Changes (Tony Stark x Male! Reader)

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Your life was perfect. You lived in a nice house with your loving parents. You were surrounded by lots of friends and your family was well off. Everything changed in an instant.

One minute you were in the car listening to the radio, the next minute, the car lay in a ditch. You lost both of your parents in the crash. You emerged relatively unhurt, a broken arm and some scratches but not much else.

You were in a daze. Your friends tried to help but you pushed them away, simply wanting to be on your own. You thought that life couldn't get much worse. That is until your parent's lawyer told you that you were going to live with your uncle, Tony Stark.

You had never met the man and were unsure of what to expect. You left without a word to any of your friends and with a small suitcase in hand.

He was supposed to meet you at the airport at 3 to pick you up. At 5 he still hadn't shown up so you got a taxi. He already seemed unreliable and you still hadn't met him.

When you arrived, you couldn't help but be amazed. His house was huge. Things were starting to look up. Maybe he lost track of time and forgot.

You paid the taxi and rang the doorbell. Several minutes later there was still no response so you rang the bell again.

"Who is it? I'm trying to work." The door opened suddenly to reveal a dark haired man. He eyed you for a second. "Who are you?"

"I'm (y/n), your nephew." You saw a recognition light his eyes.

"Oh, come on in. How was the trip." He stopped as he remembered his earlier task. "I was supposed to get you from the airport. I'm sorry."

You entered the house and gasped as you looked around the huge room. "Your room is upstairs, I work downstairs so please don't bug me. Jarvis will tell you how to get to your room."

Looking around you saw no one else in the room. A voice cut into the air. "Please take the stairway on your left."

You spun around trying to locate where the voice had originated. "Who are you?"

"I am Jarvis. I am an AI created by Mr. Stark."

"Cool. Did you really create him?" You asked Tony. He had already left the room though. You sighed and grabbed your suitcase before heading upstairs.


It was quickly evident that Tony was a genius. He created many cool devices but was also selfish and obnoxious.

In the first weeks, Jarvis was your only companion. You often snuck downstairs to see what he was working on but you were always stopped before you could see more than some wires and computer chips.

He kept himself distanced from you so all you learned came from Jarvis. Jarvis was the one who explained what the glowing circle on Tony's chest was.

"It's a miniaturized arc reactor that is keeping shards of metal from reaching his heart."

You instantly knew that he had gone through something tough that had changed him. You didn't have a chance to ask him though because he almost never came up from his workshop.

One other person you met and talked to in the first few weeks was Pepper Pots. She was Tony's personal assistant and made sure that he ate and went to any appointments he had.

You went out often to escape the solitude. On one outing you were suddenly attacked from behind and dragged into a nearby alley. A bag was quickly place over your head before you could see who had attacked you.

You struggled but couldn't break free from their grasp. They started to drag you so in a panic, you kicked on as hard as you could. They let go of your wrists and you turned and ran blindly away. You tore the bag off of your head and tuned as you heard footsteps close behind you.

You saw two men and noticed that they were quickly gaining on you. You hadn't tried very hard in your PE classes at your old school and now you were regretting that decision.

They quickly caught up and bound your wrists and ankles.

"This is more work than we thought. Now Mr. Stark will give us what we want in return for his nephew."

So that's what this is about.

You tried to struggle free again but they picked you up and carried you towards a van at the end of the alley. They didn't bother to cover your head again.

"Help! Somebody help!" You screamed hoping someone would hear and help.

"Shut up brat!" One said as he tightened his grip on your wrists until it felt as if you had lost circulation.

You heard a sound like boosters and you felt a breeze as a metal man came from the sky. The men almost dropped you in shock.

"Let go of him."

"Make us." The taller sneered.

"Fine by me." The metal man retorted as he raised his hand. The palm glowed as it charged and several small rockets popped into view from the arm.

You saw the men shake their heads before dropping you hard onto the cement. "It's not worth it."

You looked more closely at your savior and gasped as you recognized the glowing circle on his chest. "Tony?"

He quickly cut the rope and helped you to your feet before his mask lifted to reveal Tony's face. "Are you okay (y/n)?"

"I think so. Who were those people? They said they were going to trade me for something."

"Those were just some common criminals. You ready to head back?" You nodded, testing your balance to see if you could walk. "Then hold on."

You were confused but you did as he asked. He shot into the air. At first you were scared but the feeling of flying was too great to hold onto that feeling for long.

Tony really is a cool guy.

"Is this what you were working on?" He nodded and slowed down as he approached is house.


Your life had changed drastically and you never got over the loss of your parents. Tony was a good person to be stuck though.

After the incident, he had been more open and willing to show you his projects. He even let you help out. Not on his delicate projects but he was teaching you how to build things.

For the first time since before the crash, you felt that life was pretty good.


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