Dont judge a book by its cover- Part 7

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Violet's POV: 

I stayed in the bathroom and cried even more. Who did he think he was? I could still hear his words in my head 'so do you want to make out again?' Couldn't he see that I was tired of guys trying to use me?And here I thought that he would make me feel better and be all loving and caring. But he was still the same old dick head Drake.

"Vi, I'm really, really sorry, please, I didn't mean to go that far. I couldn't help myself your just," Drake said through the door,"If you give me a chance, I promise I wont hurt you."

Then I opened the door that was seperating us,"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"Violet, I'm so sorry. I like you a lot and and if you never want to see me again just say the words, please, Violet, forgive me."

Believe me, I wanted to say yes, but something changed my mind.

"I don't want you to leave Drake, it's just so much has happened in the past couple of weeks but if you'd like we could try it again," I said.

"Are you serious?"

I nodded, looking into his blue eyes that were actually kinda cute.

He stepped closer to me. I could feel his body heat, warming me instantly. "Can I kiss you?" he whispered huskily into my ear.

"On one condition," I made him promise,"Don't tell my dad,"

Drake's POV

Violet pushed me down on top of her bed and smiled at me.   "I really like you," she whispered.  The crushed her lips against mine, and twisted her head to kiss me better.  Our lips were moving in sync, and this time, she shoved her tongue in my mouth.  I didn't break the cycle, so I did the same.  I was running my hand up her leg, and then I started to rubbing her thighs. She moaned, tangling her fingers in my hair.  Believe me, I wanted to go so much further, but I opened my eyes after I heard someone clearing their throat.  "Uhm, Vi?"

"Mhm," she murmured.  She started to give me a hickie until I shoved her off.  "Hey!" she protested.  I cleared my throat and motioned toward the person standing in front of the bed.  "Danny Micheal Thomas! What the hell are you doing here?!" she shrieked.  "And how did you get in?"

"Well, I was coming to give you back your shoes, because I thought I was a nice boyfriend until you let me go," said Danny.

"You tried to rape me!" she screamed. "How did you get in our house?!?!"

"Your little sister let me in."

"Oh, did you try to rape her, too?" I asked, being the smartass I am.

"Well, I have questions.  Why would you do that to Violet right after what happened to her?" Danny said.

"You mean what you did to her?" I shot back.

"Yes, exactly, now explain this!" he yelled.

"Well, Vi here was a little depressed, and this was her idea.  I'm just being the better person and making her feel better," I insulted him putting my arm protectivly around her waist.

"Vi, is this true?"

Violet was crying.  She hated fights worse than almost anything else.  


"Yes! Yes okay?" she cried.

"I'm done with you!"

"We were already done!" 




"Get out of my house!"

"Oh, and it looks like you have everything under control in your lower area." he smirked.

I looked down at Violet, and saw a wet spot in her lower area. Oh damn, she had her first wet.

"I'm never coming back," he warned

"GOOD!" Violet shouted tears now streaming from her eyes. As soon as Danny left I pulled Violet close to me layed down on the bed as she sobbed into my chest.

As she was crying, I realized something. I couldn't kill Tom. I just couldn't. It didn't matter if it was my job or my duty. There was no way I could do it. I loved the family to much.

I loved Violet to much.

 *A/N*  Hey! Hope you're enjoying the book! We have a new part thats prb going to come out in a few days, but thank you for supporting us.  Hey guys let's try to get to our 150 views goal!!!  remember- tell your friends! Emily, Allison, and Tess

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