The Namikaze and Subaku Family

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There was a family who was moving into a 11 bedroom house. The house has 8 room with their own bathroom, two bathrooms outside their rooms, a large kitchen, large living room/entertainment room, a empty room that's big enough for a medium party and 2 other rooms the are huge.

The family got their stuff sent first. When they got there the movers already started putting furniture in the right places. They started putting their stuff in the rooms that they claimed. Once everything was set up and put away, everyone went into the kitchen and started cooking.

Once the food was made they sat down at the table and began eating and talking. There were a mixed family. 4 blondes, 2 red heads and 2 brunettes.

The fathers name is Minato Namikaze. He is 29 years old and he is 5'9. He has blonde hair that goes to his back with bangs framing his face and blue eyes. He is the father and adopted father of the other kids. He was born in Japan, but he travels around the world for inspiration for his business. He is a fashion designer for his own boutique. He gets help from his children once in awhile.

The first oldest is Haku Namikaze. She has back length brown hair, that is always in a bun with bangs framing his face and she has golden brown eyes. She is 17 years old an he is 5'6. She like bunnies and sculpting. Sometimes she helps out with the modeling for her adoptive father. She likes playing music and singing with her family. She is a junior in high school.

The next oldest is Nagato Namikaze. She is 17 also, but younger than Haku by 3 months, she is 5'6. She likes to help out with the family's animals that they have. When she is not doing that she is either playing with her siblings, listening to music or snacking. She loves music. She likes to sing and dance all the time. Well so does everyone in the house.

The next oldest is Deidara Namikaze. She is 16 years old and 5'6. She has blonde shoulder length hair that is always in a ponytail and a bang. She was born in England. Even though she was from England she knew Japanese. She can speak different languages but she speaks mostly Japanese. She likes to sculpt, like Haku, but she likes to use clay while Haku uses ice. She is mostly found in her room making something out of clay, or hanging out with the animals and/or siblings. She likes to play music and sing and dance to it.

The middle child is Temaru Subaku. He was adopted along with her other siblings. He is 16 years old and is 5'8. He likes to sing and dance with her family. He also likes to play guitar and violins. He likes windy days because the breeze feels like he is flying. He has shoulder length blonde hair with greenish blue eyes. He was born in London but was also taken to Suna in Japan. She also knows a lot of languages but mostly Japanese with a little of London accent in it.

The next child is Kankuro Subaku.  He is 15 years old and is 5'8. He likes to make art just like everyone in the house. He mostly makes puppets to entertain the others. He is the adopted son of Minato Namikaze. He loves playing the drums, bass, violin and cello. He plays it to his family when they are upset or just for fun. He likes cuddling with his younger sisters and bathing with them. (He is not a pervert. Get it through your mind. 😓😓😑😑😐😞😣). He also sings and dance with them. He was born in London but was taken to Suna when he was ten then adopted. Knows other languages besides Japanese with a little of London accent in his voice.

The younger child is Gaara Subaku. She is 12 years old and is 5'5. She is the silent type. She barely speaks to anyone unless it's her family. She knows a lot of languages besides Japanese. She likes to make sand sculpture and do acrobatics. She sings but only with her family. She was born in London but was moved and adopted in Suna. She has waist length red hair and teal eyes with a red birthmark for love in Japanese on her left cheek.

The last youngest is name Naruto Namikaze. She is 15 years old like Gaara. She is also 5'5. She has waist length golden blonde hair with blue eyes. She was born in Germany but traveled to London and Japan. She is younger than Gaara by 9 months. She speaks mostly Japanese but also other languages. She likes designing, playing music and doing acrobatics with Gaara. She, and everyone in the family, thinks that Gaara and her were each other's twin or the other side of them. While Naruto is happy and giggling, Gaara is always silent as mysterious and not giggling, on the inside she happy just not going to show it.

Minato cleared his throat and everyone looked at him. He smiled at them getting smiles in return.

"I decided to enroll you to Konoha high school." He said.

They looked at him then blinked then shook their heads no.

"You want us to go to a school that is filled with stuck up people." Naruto said.

"I went to that school and I'm fine." Minato said.

"That's different. We don't want to be around people who think they're better than us. We probably get into a fight the first day we get there." Kankuro said.

The others nodded.

"You won't have to worry about that. Your aunts and uncles and cousin go there so you will be fine." He explained.

The others thought about it. They sighed knowing that they have been beat. They nodded and Minato smiled at them.

"Thank you for agreeing. You start tomorrow. You have to be up at 6:30 am. School doesn't end until 2:30 pm. When you get out of school come home, change then go to the shop to help me with the costumers." Minato said/instructed.

They nodded and started eating and talking about designs that they could make for the party they are throwing for the neighbors.

They finished eating and started cleaning the kitchen. Haku and Kankuro started putting food away, Gaara and Naruto cleaned the dining room, Nagato and Deidara washed the dishes and Minato and Temaru swept the floors.

Once the kitchen was cleaned they went their rooms and took their baths. Gaara and Naruto took their baths together. Nagato and Deidara took one together as well. Kankuro took one alone, so did Haku and Minato.

Once they all took a bath they all got dressed and headed to the living room. They saw that the living room was decorated like a slumber party. It had mattresses on the floor with colorful blankets and pillows on it. There was a just dance game that they can play, food and drinks are also there.

They started to play the game and dance around, eat and had a drinking contest, that Gaara and Naruto won, and crashed on the mattresses clinging onto someone or someones.

They all fell asleep with smiles on their faces.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2015 ⏰

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