XI. Expectations

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Haven's POV

Hmm..something soft and plush was tickling my cheek. A pillow. Causing me to slightly stir and awaken from my otherwise peaceful sleep, my eyelashes fluttering open as faint memories suddenly rushed flooding into my mind. Yesterday, everything that happened, the retreat going wrong, werewolves exist, Nikolai. Oh my god, Nikolai. That wretched man, we-we! Fucking hell! I need to control my lady business and hormones, otherwise that bastard will be the death of me. Looking around my surroundings warily I noticed that I was in fact not in the room I had fallen asleep after that....eventful night. That little bastard didn't even have the decency to stay the night with me.

Not that I would want him to anyways.

Letting a heavy sigh escaped my lips I raked my fingers through my messy hair before I finally mustered up some strength to stand and leave the otherwise comfy bed. I reeked of sweat and sex, not such a nice combination to begin the day with. Still wary of my surroundings I opened the connecting door of the room that I was in, stepping into what seemed to be a bathroom. Perfect. Peeling off the sweaty blanket off of myself I turned the shower on as I looked at myself in the mirror, I had bags under my eyes which was not surprising, a few scars along my body but what bothered me most where the love bites that I had scattered all over thanks to that stupid dog.

Stepping into the shower I let the warm water just rush down my body and pour away my worries for the moment, at least one good thing would come out of this, my community would be taken care of. If it meant for those who I cared for being taken care of, I would go through this sacrifice. Carefully washing my body and my dirty blonde hair from anything. Finally when I was finished, I shut the water off as I stepped out and took one of the fluffy white towels hanging around and wrapping it around my body. Leaving the bathroom with the towel securely around myself, I needed some clothes to put on.

As if on cue Luke appeared in front of me as if he was standing in the room this entire time, startled by the sudden entrance I couldn't help but gasp as the long string of cuss words followed suit soon after, Luke having a mix of an apologetic an amused expression.

"Woke up on the wrong side of the bed, princess?" He teased with a playful smile which just caused me to roll my eyes in response.

"You scared the shit out of me, Luke." I mumbled slightly grumpily before he seemed to take notice of my barely clothed appearance, his cheeks only slightly flushing as he averted his gaze. I didn't really feel uncomfortable, I was accustomed to having others near me when I showered back at the compound. Clearing his throat he finally spoke up.

"Here, I'll give you something to wear of mine." He countered politely with a small chuckle before turning on his heels and exiting the room, beckoning me to follow suit after him which I did, with the towel fastened tightly under my arms and my damp feet leaving footprints along the wooden floor. Turning on the hall's corner we finally came across his room, him opening his door and stepping inside along with me doing the same.

Taking some time to indulge in the surroundings I noticed that his room wasn't really all that heavily decorated, it was simple yet it looked actually quite nice. As I looked around Luke tossed a white shirt and a pair of what I hope were clean boxers my way.

"Thank you, now turn around and no peeking." I teased with a light smirk causing him to laugh slightly at my comment but none the less doing as I told him so, letting the towel drop to my feet I slid on the white shirt along with the boxers, the shirt being just long enough to cover up everything, which I was grateful for.

Luke truly was nothing like Nikolai, Luke just had this atmosphere around him that made you feel at ease while with Nikolai it was just intimidating and with overall tension.

"Done, Lukey-Poo." I commented, finally deciding on an annoying little nickname I would call him on, him turning an looking at me with a raised eyebrow and a look that spelled 'Are you serious' all over it.

Laughing as I shook my head I stepped out of his room only to be met by a hard-ass wall crashing into me. My hands stopping any further impact. But since when do walls have muscles? My eyes averting open I noticed that it was someone's chest, looking into the man's features my breath hitched in my throat. Nikolai.

And boy he did not looked pleased for some reason, his eyes were stormy as if a storm was brewing inside of them and the way his body was tensed and his jaw clenched tightly in place were clear signs that he was rather angry.

Taking a few steps back from the bulking mass for my own safety, I noticed that only seem to enrage him more. Shooting me a look of disgust before he glared at Luke. If looks could kill, he would be six feet underground by now.

"What crawled up your ass and died?" I asked not so subtly, his gaze snapping in my direction as his eyes narrowed at me.

Smooth Haven, smooth.

"You stupid bitch."

Now that, felt like a slap to the face. He might as well have slapped me for all I knew. My eyebrows knitting together in confusion at the angry man in front of me before he just stormed off and away from my vision.

Though I did detect a small emotion in his eyes besides anger as he stared at me and Luke.

But what was it?

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