Intro: So it Begins

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  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(3rd Person POV)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
He watched her walk down the street, admiring the swish of her hips and the way her legs moved beneath her knee-length skirt. It was just one part of his routine, watching her going to work. She worked at an Italian style restaurant, just two blocks away from her apartment, as a waitress.
He had gone in a few times to observe her work and had the luck to have been served by her on a few occasions.
She continued down the sidewalk, almost there, completely unaware of the man following her every move with his violet eyes. Oh how he wished he could steal her away right then and make the girl his entirely his but he had to be patient, all good things come in time. She swung open the doors of the restaurant and strutted in, leaving him to move onto another part of his routine. Her shift was four hours, plenty of time to 'learn' more about her. He turned and walked the opposite direction of the restaurant and towards the apartment building where she lived, on the second floor, in room 208.

Arriving at the apartment building he scaled the fire-escape and walked up to her window. Carefully, as he had done many times before, he unlocked the window with a small knife and slid the plane up slowly. He stepped through the frame and strode through the small apartment. Frowning a bit at the small space he thought that she deserved much better, she deserved to be treated like a princess and pampered at his villa back in Italy. He had followed her back to her country after a chance encounter with her while she was visiting Italy. The moment he'd first laid eyes on her, he knew that he had to make her his and his alone.
Sighing he snapped out of his daydreams and walked around the apartment looking a pictures of her with friends and family, scanning everything that would reveal a part of her as he made his way towards the bedroom. He sat on her bed, this room was by far his favourite when he was here; the way her scent wafted off the bedding as he lay upon it, imagining that she lay next to him, and how everything in the room spoke of just who she was. No place was left unobserved, he would look through every belonging before carefully putting them back exactly the way they were. He buried his face in her pillows, his reddish-brown hair rustling against them as he inhaled her scent deeply.
With great reluctance he knew that he needed to leave now, she would be leaving work shortly. So he climbed back out the window and slid it shut once more, even re-locking it with a little trick he'd taught himself. He hurried down the fire-escape, after all he had to make sure that she had no troubles at all while walking home.  

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