Chapter One

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"And of course an interview with the beautiful Chelsea Winters would not be complete if we didn't ask about your love life."

She felt her cheeks turning a deep shade of crimson. Swallowing back the bile that threatened to come up at what she was about to say, she opened her mouth to speak. "Yes, I know that there's tons of rumors going around and well, I guess you could say I'm dating Tanner Evans." As soon as the words came out, she wished that she could take them back but it was already done. 

The crowd gasped, surprised that she had actually said it even though they already knew. Chelsea faked a smile as she looked at the cheering crowd. 

I hope you know how honored I feel that you decided to admit that you're dating Tanner Evans on my show." Ellen said jokingly as she turned to face the camera. "Take that Letterman!" 

Chelsea couldn't help but laugh along with the crowd. She had been friends with Ellen DeGeneres for quite some time now and she often got called to be a quest of her show. She always accepted, but now she was starting to regret it. 

"So answer the question that's been on all of minds," Ellen implored, crossing her right leg over her left. "How is your sex life?" 

Her eyes widened at the sudden question. The crowd laughed in response and she joined in eventually. When the crowd died down, she looked back over to Ellen wondering why she was grilling her with these personal questions. "Um.." she shrugged, "Well I don't get down and dirty in the club if that's what you're asking." 

The crowd laughed along with Ellen. "Well," she shrugged. "We have a gift for you. Courtesy of the Ellen show." 

A man dressed in black appeared from behind of Chelsea and held out a white box to her. She took it gratefully and sat up straight in her seat. "I wonder what this is," she exclaimed, sliding her fingers through the corners of the box and popped it open. Inside, was a black shirt with a blowed up picture of Tanner Evans on the front and on the back was Ellen's name. 

She held up the shirt for the audience to see and exchanged a hug with Ellen. "I hate you so much," she whispered jokingly in her ear. 

Ellen winked at her before she returned her gaze to the camera. "Well, that's all we have for today folks. It was nice seeing you again, Chelsea. And all of you are going home with Chelsea's latest album "Wonderstruck'!" 

The audience cheered as they rose from their seats and clapped excitedly. Chelsea clapped along with them until the cameramen told them that the show was over. The audience were already starting to leave out of the back door while all of her bodyguards came out on stage in case a fanatic fan decided they wanted to jump on stage. 

She turned to Ellen and furrowed her brows. "Ellen, did you really have to grill me on those personal questions? I thought we were friends," 

Ellen shrugged. "It's my job, besides everyone already knew you were dating him. Might as well give them something to talk about, right?" She stood up from her seat. "Your limo should be out front," With that, she walked off the stage and disappeared backstage. 

Chelsea slumped in her seat and pinched the bridge of her nose. She knew that this was going to be in the media tomorrow morning and she will never be able to leave my house because there will be tons of paparazzi. 

Suddenly, she felt a pair of eyes on her. She lifted her gaze to be greeted by her bodyguard's pale green eyes. She sighed, "Hey Mason." 

He frowned. "You look sad."

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