Chapter 7

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AN sorry for taking so long to update I have been meaning to update for a while but things kept coming up when I planed on updating sorry again. On with the story!

Percy Pov.

We were getting ready to play capture the flag and we were only playing Demigods verses Gryfindor and Slytherin. The two houses did not look happy about playing on the same side, but that is the way they put thwe game togther. Also only 5 years and up are playing so the sides are more evenly matched.

What we were planing  on doing was having me and Jay go for the flag around the left and Annabeth and Piper on the right . We also are going to send out a few decoys to distract them and have a few people in the trees. And every body else grauding the flag.

When the game started Me and JAy waited a few minuets before running of along the left side. We heard some fighting along to our right and up ahead. By the sounds it seemed like the wizaeds were falling pretty quickly. So much for them being better than us.

While we were running we ran into a few wizards but took them down quickly. Once we found the flag it was grauded by Harry Potter. And thought wow is this really who they put to graud the flag. I saw JAy get out her shield and I got mine from Tyson wich Leo fixed for me after the war. We snuck up behind him soundlessly. JAy tapped his shoulder he spun around and swung his sword.\

Jay brought up her sword and parried the strike and slashed. She gave me a look that said,"I;ll distract him you get the flag and go." So while they were dueling I snuck around Harry and grabbed the flag. But right when I did it turned into a portal and I started getting sucked in and I noticed so did  Jay and Harry. 

Once I got pulled through I blacked out and went unconsious. But before I did I saw cruel red eyes staring at us and grinned evilly with no nose. He looked hilarious and terifing at the same time but not as much as Kronos or Gaea.

I also saw that we were what looked like an old shack with a dirt floor. And thats when I finally fell unconsious.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2013 ⏰

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