Chapter One

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"Dad. It's a college dorm. It's supposed to be small," Julie sighed. Jim tutted while slowly moving around the dorm room.

"Yeah. But there's small and then there's small and this room is whatever one is smallest. How could two girls possibl-ouch!!! Mother of mercy, god damn!"

Jim cursed out loud as his foot hit the wooden corner post of the bed. Julie tried hard to contain her smirk. "See what I mean Julie. Can't even walk two feet without kicking something."

"Well Dad it's a good thing I don't need to room here then isn't it," Julie rolled her eyes before walking to the door.

Looking down the hall she saw families inspecting other dorm rooms similar to hers. She turned around before a flash of blonde hair got her attention. Cheryl and Jamie were walking towards them both carrying several brochures and pamphlets in their hands.

"Mum! Over here!" Cheryl looked up as Julie called out and they made their way over to the right room. "We got stuck talking to the Dean. Lovely man but boy did he love to prattle. Gotta introduce him to Señora Diaz," Cheryl chuckled. Julie laughed as she sat down on one of the two beds that, in Jim's defence, were very much shoved into the tiny space.

"Yeah he was definitely a waffler that's for sure. So.. You like it here Jules? Gonna finally accept one of the colleges that want you?" Jamie asked, moving her mouth to better position her braces.

"I dunno," Julie replied. "Iv only seen two of the ones that accepted me. And they both seem fine. I don't think Dad has the mental energy to inspect any more tiny dorm rooms that don't-actually-need-to-be-inspected-coz-il-still-be-living-at-home in the other 5 colleges so I may just have to ask around on those ones," Julie stated with a grin.

"Ok ok. I'm just making sure I check out the whole campus. See every nook and cranny of the place," Jim stated. "That's fair enough love but I think it's time we go. Collected enough info, now Julie will just have to sit and pick," Cheryl smiled at her daughter before walking towards the door. Julie sighed in agreement and followed her out.

The Whites drove back to McFarland, Julie looked out the window of the car. So many options but she didn't know how to decide...

Hey guys. I'm so very sorry I took forever to update. Had a lot of things go down at home. But all good now so updates will be more regular.

Thanks for reading :) xo

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2016 ⏰

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